Chapman University’s Dr. Jerika Lam and CSHP‘s CEO Dr. Loriann De Martini co-published “A mixed methods evaluation of pharmacists’ readiness to provide long-acting injectable HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in California” in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS).

The study investigated the underlying causes for why HIV prevention medication, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), isn’t widely used and assessed if California pharmacists are ready to offer a long-acting injectable version (LAI-PrEP). 53% of surveyed pharmacists were willing to administer LAI-PrEP, and pharmacists who had prior experience providing injections or oral PrEP had showed a higher willingness than those who had not. Interview participants discussed barriers such as needs for additional training, staffing, private injection rooms, and better payment and reimbursementstructures as issues in dispensing this medication.

You can read the publication here.