Dr. Rinzhin T. Sherpa

“It is a nostalgic moment, parting ways from CUSP after five years, where I completed an MS followed by an intensive Ph.D. I am proud to say I was among the first students to get an MS. Also, among the few to continue along with a Ph.D. being pioneers, I daresay in this sense, I have even seen CUSP grow into the impressive institute it is today. One regret is that I will not be here to go along with all the future developments at CUSP.”

“I consider my achievement as a testament to the support of a mentor, committee members, and the CUSP community.  I do not have enough words to convey my gratitude towards my mentor Dr. Nauli. As a student training to be involved in high-level research, the guidance provided by my committee members (Drs. Mehvar, Ostrom and Bisoffi) has been invaluable. Without them, I would not have been able to achieve the same level of accomplishments that I have. As I have understood from my time at CUSP, there should always be a drive to be better. Nothing is perfect but having the grit and determination to make the next day better is the way to success. Moving forward, I will be involved in NIH funded research of cardiac myocytes and human airway smooth muscle signaling in Dr. Robert Harvey’s lab. My deepest gratitude to CUSP and the wonderful people.”

Within five years at CUSP, Dr. Rinzhin Sherpa has published nine peer-reviewed articles and one invited book chapter.  Dr. Sherpa is the first or co-first author in 4 of the articles, published in Cells and Scientific Reports journals.  Immediately followed his successful defense, Dr. Sherpa received 4 offers from highly-regarded and respected laboratories around the country.