Eric Dobberpuhl

The Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship (RPIF) Program is an industry-based training program that partners with leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. It is designed for individuals with a Doctorate of Pharmacy to further their experience in the pharmaceutical industry through work experience and clinical research. This year was one of the most competitive years for candidates at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, with over 800 individuals seeking selection for one of the 143 fellowship placements through the RPIF Program. After the three rounds of interviews at ASHP Midyear in December, top candidates traveled for on-site interviews at RPIF partner companies in early January.

Eric Dobberpuhl (PharmD Class of 2020) has been accepted into a post-doctoral fellowship through the RPIF Program at Genentech, Inc. The two-year fellowship specializes in Regulatory Affairs, where Dobberpuhl will be responsible for the design and implementation of regulatory strategies to optimally develop, license, and market products globally. Genentech also offers the opportunity to participate in a broad range of internal rotations in other functions of the company. Genentech, a member of the Roche group, is the world’s largest biotech company and strives to develop breakthrough medicines to improve the standard of care across oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology, and neuroscience. Located in San Francisco, California, Genentech is consistently recognized by Forbes and Fortune magazines as one of the best US companies to work for.

Dobberpuhl started his pharmacy journey by becoming a member of the American Pharmacist Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) as a pre-pharmacy student. After leadership experiences on the local and regional levels of APhA-ASP, he was elected to the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee. In this role, he was on a team of five student pharmacists that represented 32,000 student pharmacist members across the country. This position allowed Dobberpuhl to represent CUSP while providing incredible experiences in leadership, management, and communication.