43 posts categorized in



Women in Leadership: Dr. Madeline Dintzner

March 28, 2023 by | Pharmacy School

Meet Dr. Madeline Dintzner, a trailblazing Associate Dean with over 20 years of experience in higher education. While currently serving as CUSP’s Associate Dean of Assessment and Accreditation, Dr. Dintzner has also served as chair of the Department of Chemistry at DePaul University in Chicago and as the Assistant Dean of Assessment and Accreditation at

CVS Pharmacy Panel Expands Student Career Opportunities

March 15, 2023 by | Pharmacy

On March 9, CUSP welcomed CVS and CUSP joined forces to welcome a panel of five CVS pharmacists for current students pursuing their Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The Lunch & Learn, hosted by Chapman Pharmacy’s Office of Professional and Student Success, offered valuable insight into the variety of career opportunities at CVS. The guest panelists

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