Hello all,

I wanted to put this in writing and see what sort of comments we received.  Here (in no particular order) is the terminology that I’ve been using to describe people who contribute to Chapman’s website.  If you have any suggestions / objections, please let me know.

  • Content Owner – This is someone who has the largest stake in the content, and perhaps wrote the content in Word/etc.  This person may not actually interact with the CMS or web technology, but is the stakeholder in the content.  This might be a dean, program chair, etc.
  • Web Author – Previously PIO’s, these are the people who enter content into the CMS.  In some cases, the web authors actually do write the content.  In other cases content may be handed to the web author by the content owner.
  • Web Coordinator – These individuals reside in Strategic Marketing and Communication and assist content owners and web authors achieve their marketing goals on the web.  They will have the ability to approve pages when basic content (dates, times, etc) are changed.

As always, if you have questions, commentes, or concerns please feel free to let us know below.