46 posts categorized in

Inside SMC


Sites We Cannot Control

May 25, 2012 by | Inside SMC

They exist, and you may have participated in one yourself… A review web site! Believe it or not, there are numerous review sites centered around higher education. Future student and families go to these sites to evaluate university prestige, academic programs, faculty, and student life. However, just like Yelp, it may not be wise to interfere

SPAM and Email

April 24, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello all, and thanks to those of you who attended the presentation. I do have one correction – apparently the real origin of the word SPAM does not have to do with Monty Python, but has to do with the meat.  None the less, the presentation is posted. Thanks! -dm

Reminder Message sent on behalf of Jillian Gray

April 24, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Please disregard this message if you have already replied by sending information to Monica Shukla’06, MS‘08 . Thank you! ____________________________ Greetings Communications Council As Chapman University continues its progress toward national stature we need your assistance in enhancing our communication efforts. Please help by participating in a campus-wide Alumni Communications Audit, being conducted now through

Chapman’s New .EDU

March 26, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Chapman University faculty, students and staff: Tonight the new Chapman University website (www.chapman.edu) has launched! We hope you will take time to explore our new site over the next few days and weeks. We want to express our thanks and admiration to the scores of people in every department throughout the university who helped to

Place Text Captions in Via Cascade

March 20, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello Web Authors and Content Owners, One of the common mistakes we are seeing as we comb through the site is this: Text is being placed inside image files as opposed to using Cascade’s text fields.  This is a problem for a number of reasons: If alt tags are not properly applied to your

Conversation With a CU Outsider RE: Chapman’s Upcoming Website

March 13, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello readers, Recently, someone from the outside asked me about Chapman’s new website.  I decided to include part of my response back to them on this blog in case anyone else would benefit from it.  See below: ______________________ Chapman’s current website is approximately 10 years old, so we wanted to be sure to hit this one out

Thank You for the Thank You!

February 29, 2012 by | Inside SMC

…and now we want to pay it forward! Char and the SMC team surprised the Web and Interactive Marketing department with this: Because so many individuals across campus have helped with this project, we’d love to invite you to come eat some of this!  If you are in the neighborhood, and have contributed to Chapman’s

News Source – Chapman Blogs

February 21, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Readers, Some of you have noticed the new version of Chapman Happenings.  This has been made possible by a local instance of “WordPress,” a popular open source blogging solution.  We are also excited to announce that more blogs are on the way.  Over the years Chapman has created a variety of blogs on a variety

Why the Approval Process is Important

February 14, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Readers, Our office has coordinated with Chapman’s Webmaster in IS&T and people at Hannon Hill to create dynamic work-flows for Cascade, the new content management system for Chapman’s new website.  Work-flows allow pages that are submitted to be approved prior to being live. What does not need to be approved? News Events Social Media Feeds

Web Advisory Committee Meeting 1-25-2012

January 25, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello readers, For those of you who could not attend today’s meeting, please feel free to read the notes, and listen to the meeting audio.  Important links are in the notes, and will take you to the visuals / mini presentations that were discussed in today’s meeting. As always, please feel free to comment below

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