4 posts categorized in

Media and Production


The Making of a Viral Video: May the Fourth Be With You

June 3, 2015 by | Social Media

There are several Star Wars geeks within Chapman University’s department of Strategic Marketing & Communications, and recently, a few of them banded together to celebrate May the Fourth with a tribute to Star Wars. “Mark Woodland, our boss, wanted to make a video,” says Patrick Garcia, digital arts and animation specialist in the department of

Title, Tag, Describe: Do It Right on YouTube to Get Noticed

March 17, 2014 by | Social Media

Almost every college and university has a YouTube channel (some have multiple channels), but are these channels really getting views? Are their videos connecting with their audience, and if not, why not? It’s possible to post an amazing video on YouTube and then see it linger, lonely and forlorn, with just a handful of views.

Color Me Critical

November 21, 2013 by | Design

…But I can’t overstate how great a little color correction on your pics can be. No question, it’ll take any picture and make it better, and I’m not talking about over-the-top looks or settling for same old presets. Make your photos stand out by drawing attention to your great subjects, not the just the looks

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