33 posts categorized in

Social Media


Erik Qualman’s Socialnomics: Social Media Revolution 4

November 7, 2012 by | Social Media

Erik Qualman just posted his new “Socialnomics” video! Social Media Video 2013: Social Media Revolution 4 was written by international best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman. It’s part of a series of social media videos that are the most watched in the world. Erik thanks everyone for their ideas and support! Video produced

SMC Provides a Social Media Resource Section

October 29, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Social Media Resources Strategic Marketing and Communications is pleased to announce a Guidelines and Resources section for university admins. Among the resources is a Social Media Section written by me for you. This section is written for beginning and intermediate social media users. Although we visit our personal sites often, managing social profiles for

The Conversation Prism

October 12, 2012 by | Social Media

Sheri Lehman, Mandy Thomas and I were recently at the #heweb12 conference representing Chapman’s web team and this info-graphic came up in one of the presentations.  I love it!   Best, +David May

The [September] Social Media Scoop

September 14, 2012 by | Inside SMC

The September Social Media Scoop is available for university social media admins! The Scoop provides our university social media admins with applicable tools and resources to grow their pages.  The September issue includes “Quick Tips” to master consistency, avoid copy and paste, and inspire creative copy for Facebook posts. I am especially excited to announce Chapman University’s

July Social Media Scoop Available

July 20, 2012 by | Social Media

  The July issue of the Social Media Scoop is available! We are excited to announce our new Social Media Scoop newsletter design, too. Administrators who have registered their social media pages with Strategic Marketing and Communication should receive this newsletter via email. If you would also like to receive the Scoop monthly, please email slehman@chapman.edu.

Commencement: The Social Media Element

June 5, 2012 by | Social Media

Students, graduates, families, and community members flocked to Chapman University’s campus for 2012 Commencement ceremonies, but they also flocked to the web. Social media analytics proved a vast increase in fan engagement on Chapman University’s official Facebook and Twitter pages. As some university staff members know, I am tailoring our interactive campaigns to achieve a

Sites We Cannot Control

May 25, 2012 by | Inside SMC

They exist, and you may have participated in one yourself… A review web site! Believe it or not, there are numerous review sites centered around higher education. Future student and families go to these sites to evaluate university prestige, academic programs, faculty, and student life. However, just like Yelp, it may not be wise to interfere

Chapman University Social Media Policy (Draft 4) – Published!

January 26, 2012 by | Social Media

Strategic Marketing and Communications has authored a unified university policy for social media. To aide your social media efforts, outreach, and communications, we recently published the 4th draft of the Chapman University Social Media Policy. Based on university staff and faculty feedback, we have updated these guidelines and will be applying the “best practices” to

Social Media Facelift

November 28, 2011 by | Social Media

Hi everyone, Chapman University social media is ready for a minor facelift. We are looking to improve our Facebook and Twitter pages to contain inventive and relevant tabs, features, and video. Our first move? A Twitter Tab. There is a disconnect between social media platforms that makes it less convenient to check who you are

EyeFi Plus iPad

October 18, 2011 by | Social Media

For Homecoming 2011, our team experimented with EyeFi and the iPad. We sent high-quality photos straight to the iPad for posting to our social networks. http://www.eye.fi/ + http://www.apple.com/ipad/ = -dm/sl

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