Web Advisory Committee Meeting 1-25-2012

January 25, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello readers, For those of you who could not attend today’s meeting, please feel free to read the notes, and listen to the meeting audio.  Important links are in the notes, and will take you to the visuals / mini presentations that were discussed in today’s meeting. As always, please feel free to comment below


Chapman's Web Contributors: Who's Who

January 24, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello all, I wanted to put this in writing and see what sort of comments we received.  Here (in no particular order) is the terminology that I’ve been using to describe people who contribute to Chapman’s website.  If you have any suggestions / objections, please let me know. Content Owner – This is someone who has


Content Migration

January 23, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

Hello Content Authors! Again, I wanted to thank you for your hard work in the content writing process.  Your Web Coordinators have been busy at work approving pages that have been submitted.  Soon, we will be ready to migrate that content into the new website.  Here’s the plan: In early Feb, Barkley REI will deploy


Miss America email error

January 18, 2012 by | Inside SMC

A glitch in our email distribution system inadvertently sent out a six-day-old message regarding the Miss America competition, which was broadcast last Saturday, Jan. 14. The message was originally scheduled to be sent last Friday, but unfortunately arrived five days too late for us to cheer on Chapman University alumna and Miss California Noelle Freeman


V.P. of Marketing: Message to the Deans RE: Web Overhaul

January 11, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

Dear Colleagues: With the start of the new year, we’re beginning the final countdown to the complete launch of the university’s new website. As you might recall, our goal is to migrate from “old site” to “new site” in early March, and that looming deadline has us all working at top speed. Getting updated content


I'm happy to announce rewards!

January 4, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

I’m happy to announce rewards for some Chapman’s Web Authors who have been hard at work for the past few months… and just when you thought the season of gift giving was over! Becky Campbell in CES Susan Deane in Facilities Hallie Nicholson in UA Each of these individuals will receive a dinner for


Social Media Facelift

November 28, 2011 by | Social Media

Hi everyone, Chapman University social media is ready for a minor facelift. We are looking to improve our Facebook and Twitter pages to contain inventive and relevant tabs, features, and video. Our first move? A Twitter Tab. There is a disconnect between social media platforms that makes it less convenient to check who you are


Where is Quick Links!?!?

November 16, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Chapman Family, If you are reading this, you have noticed that Quick Links is missing from the new homepage.  Not to worry: when the rest of the site is delivered, we will be replacing quick links with something superior called a ‘welcome back’ page.  In the meantime, quick links is still accessible from every other page on

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