The Most Unique Award You Will Ever Receive

June 30, 2015 by | Inside SMC

It all started with a crazy idea (it might have even been a joke) from David May during a meeting. We were trying to order awards for the (then) upcoming Annual Communications Council End of Year Lunch, where we recognize all the hard work from those in the various communication roles on campus. With none


The Making of a Viral Video: May the Fourth Be With You

June 3, 2015 by | Social Media

There are several Star Wars geeks within Chapman University’s department of Strategic Marketing & Communications, and recently, a few of them banded together to celebrate May the Fourth with a tribute to Star Wars. “Mark Woodland, our boss, wanted to make a video,” says Patrick Garcia, digital arts and animation specialist in the department of


Workin’ Mama: My Struggle is Real

February 18, 2015 by | Inside SMC

According to statistics from 2010, 67% of women are working moms. I know I am not trailblazing the path for working moms who are trying to do “it all.” I would love to be able to do it all, but I just can’t. I would love to be a stellar friend, co-worker, girlfriend, daughter AND


Chapman Online: Social Media Do's and Don'ts

February 17, 2015 by | Social Media

Are you in charge of managing social media with an organization? What about using social media to increase enrollment or donations? Chapman University has strategically set up CU outlets for your school or organization to succeed online.  Maybe you are just getting started or you have been at it for a while. Whatever the case, SMC is always


Sound the Trumpets: Announcement Posts for Your Blog

November 4, 2014 by | Social Media

Sometimes, you just need to publish something quickly so there’s a page online with information for people to access. Sometimes, you want to publish something awesome, but it only need two sentences. This might be an updated time and location for an event, a faculty accomplishment or award, an intimate performance with a guest artist, or urgent


Brain Dumps and Bandwidth: A Field Guide to Marketing Buzzwords

September 2, 2014 by Carl Minor and Drew Farrington | Strategy

Let’s face it: We’re drowning in market jargon. You know what we’re talking about – those fluffy, sometimes nonsensical buzzwords and phrases used as a sort of shorthand that make us marketers feel “in the know.” If you have even a vague sense of what it means to “leverage your campaign strategies with key messaging


The Sky Diaries

August 13, 2014 by | Inside SMC

Here I was, a Sunday morning like any other. Ready to enjoy a relaxing weekend in the sky. This time, though, to add a little excitement I was going to jump a wingsuit. I knew my canopy was not recommended to be used with a wingsuit especially because of my beginner wingsuit pilot status, but


When you're the news: Top 10 tips for talking with media

July 23, 2014 by | Strategy

Most of the time, you want it to happen. You’ve published a new book or article, the Chapman Media Relations Office is pitching it out, the media is picking up on it — and you start getting calls to be interviewed in print or by broadcast outlets. Or you’re an established authority in your field,


You're Not Ghana Believe This

July 9, 2014 by | Inside SMC

I’ve always worked in a creative environment. An automotive magazine publisher, an in-house marketing and advertising department, and now, Strategic Marketing and Communications at Chapman. One thing all of these environments have in common: a bunch of crazy stuff on our walls and desks. I suppose it’s a justification that we “creative” types need

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