Digital Identity for College Students

March 7, 2013 by | Social Media

Digital identity is a popular topic of recent conversations and especially important for college students. I recently presented at Chapman University’s Parent Spring Summit on digital identity and leveraging social media to present your “brand.” Digital identity A digital identity includes more than social media; it includes all technology. Technology has become an extension of


New Weekly Email!

February 6, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Hey all, If you check your campus email regularly, you may notice some new and exciting changes coming to your inbox starting Thursday. Feb. 7th. At SMC we’ve been working hard to find a solution to the large amount of emails we send to the campus community, and good news – we’ve figured it out!


Why Consolidate Emails?

January 22, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Chapman Family, You’re probably frustrated with the number of emails you’re receiving about campus events and announcements. You might even be guilty of deleting some without even reading them. If so, you’re part of the majority.  In the last year, we’ve received numerous requests to send out internal mass emails on behalf of various schools/colleges,


Education and Social Media Info-graphic

January 4, 2013 by | Social Media

A friend sent this “Education and Social Media” info-graphic to me, and I wanted to share.  Lately, I’m very interested in talking about the future of education.  How will technology be used?  What will higher ed look like in 20 years?  Is the next economic bubble education, and if so, what will it look like after


Instagram's Drastic Policy Announcement & Clarification

December 18, 2012 by | Social Media

After Facebook purchased Instagram earlier this year, users were counting down the days until changes were made to the photo-sharing platform. The count is over and it only took three months! Instagram issued new additions to its policy, and they were met with criticism from their die-hard, photo-filtering-frenzied users. New Instagram policy


Faculty Senate Presentation

November 19, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Thanks to the Faculty Senate for allowing me to speak at your November meeting, and thanks to Dr. Anuradha Prakash for inviting.  Last, but not least, thanks to Stephanie Geyer from Noel-Levitz for giving me permission to use some of the “E-Expectations” data.  This presentation includes: Website expectations / usage Mobile optimized and responsive design Social Media


Who Runs Chapman's Websites?

November 19, 2012 by | Inside SMC

It has come to my attention that not everyone on Chapman’s campus realizes what department is responsible for what website, so I decided to compile a list.  This will help schools/colleges/departments/offices understand when it’s a Strategic Marketing and Communications (SMC) site, and when it’s an Information Systems and Technology site.  If anyone notices anything missing or has any questions,


Erik Qualman's Socialnomics: Social Media Revolution 4

November 7, 2012 by | Social Media

Erik Qualman just posted his new “Socialnomics” video! Social Media Video 2013: Social Media Revolution 4 was written by international best selling author and keynote speaker Erik Qualman. It’s part of a series of social media videos that are the most watched in the world. Erik thanks everyone for their ideas and support! Video produced


SMC Provides a Social Media Resource Section

October 29, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Social Media Resources Strategic Marketing and Communications is pleased to announce a Guidelines and Resources section for university admins. Among the resources is a Social Media Section written by me for you. This section is written for beginning and intermediate social media users. Although we visit our personal sites often, managing social profiles for


AICCU's New Website - Designed by ChapmanU

October 19, 2012 by | Design

AICCU’s new website itself is not launched yet, but here’s our presentation at AICCU’s recent executive meeting.  Chapman University is happy to have designed and sponsored the site.  Special thanks to President Kristin F. Soares, Kathleen L. Wilson, and Danyelle A. Norman for being so wonderful to work with! AICCU Website Launch – FINAL on Prezi AICCU’s

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