17 posts tagged



Where is Quick Links!?!?

November 16, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Chapman Family, If you are reading this, you have noticed that Quick Links is missing from the new homepage.  Not to worry: when the rest of the site is delivered, we will be replacing quick links with something superior called a ‘welcome back’ page.  In the meantime, quick links is still accessible from every other page on

Feedback Received and Design Updated

November 14, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Chapman Family, Thanks so much for your feedback on our new homepage.  REMEMBER: the rest of the site won’t arrive until the Spring of 2012.  However, we are excited to announce that our homepage has been updated with your thoughts in mind.  Now, please provide feedback on the new (live) homepage! Some of the design

More Web Design Samples Posted for Feedback

October 10, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello all, Thanks so much for the feedback on our new homepage .  If you have not seen that post yet, please take a peek and give us feedback.  We also wanted to post design pictures of the mobile website.  That’s right… Chapman’s new website will include a mobile optimized site for iPhones, Android phones, etc.

Chapman University – New Look for our Homepage

September 29, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello Readers, As you may know, Chapman is getting a new website in the Spring of 2012.  We are excited to announce Chapman’s new homepage which will launch this fall, and would like to post some images of the new design for feedback. Before you take a peek at the new site, there are just

New Homepage Coming this Fall (new site to follow)

September 19, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello readers, As you probably know by now, Chapman is getting a new website. This won’t happen all at once, but you will start to see some changes in upcoming months… and from what the new students are saying… …the changes are good ones. Keep an eye on this blog for updates. -DM

Web Advisory Committee Meeting Updates

September 6, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello WAC, I just wanted to take a quick minute to thank you all for the hard work this far.  We are all excited about Chapman’s new website.  It is more difficult to get excited about the work that must go into a new website.  In months to come, we will be writing content, locating

A New Site is Coming – Should I Change My Old Pages?

August 18, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

With the new website under construction, what type of energy should you be putting into your existing chapman.edu pages?  Should you change your old site? The short answer is “no…” with a “but.” NO:  We don’t want to re-design sites, change the look or feel of pages, or make other extensive alterations at this point.

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