53 posts categorized in



Zip around town!

November 10, 2014 by | Uncategorized

Zipcar is the greatest thing you didn’t know you needed!   Zipcar is a car-sharing service where you can “check out” vehicles, much like you would a book from the library, for any length of time, from any Zipcar location, simply by using your mobile device or computer. Search for a variety of car options,

Eat Local!

September 25, 2014 by | Uncategorized

Are you interested in learning more about how eating locally grown produce can reduce your environmental impact and support the local community? Or have you been wondering if you have a green thumb, but think you don’t have space for a garden? Come and have all your questions answered in the community garden located

“Tapped” Screening at Chapman

September 16, 2014 by | Uncategorized

From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car and I.O.U.S.A. comes a relevant documentary that asks the question, “Should water be a commodity that bought and sold, or is it a basic human right?”  Tapped, winner of the Best Documentary Award at the Eugene Film Festival, takes us behind the scenes to examine the big business

Smart Irrigation = Water Savings

July 23, 2014 by | Uncategorized

Happy July, and Happy Smart Irrigation Month! In the midst of California’s drought, it is important now more than ever that we exercise smart irrigation practices. In order to help you do so, here are a few of the many ways to lessen your water consumption and water waste: If it is within your budget,

Summer Time Savings!

June 24, 2014 by | Uncategorized

Summer- the season where the air conditioner is always on and the electricity bill always seems to increase. The increase in energy demand during the summer greatly affects levels of greenhouse gases and air pollutants in our atmosphere. In addition to polluting the air, summer is not a great time for water and the life


February 20, 2014 by | Uncategorized

Chapman University has kicked off participation in the 2014 Recyclemania Tournament. Recyclemania, an 8-week recycling competition, helps promote recycling and reusing on 461 college campuses. During the competition, schools report the amount of recycling and trash that is collected during each week. Chapman University collected 12,116 tons of recyclables and 10,428 tons of trash during

Happy Holidays!

December 18, 2013 by | Uncategorized

In all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the average American produces 25% more waste than produced at any other time of year. However, there are plenty of ways to maintain a sustainable atmosphere and still enjoy all the goodies of the season! By tradition, everyone has grown accustomed to receiving decorative holiday

Double Sided is the Default!

December 6, 2013 by | Uncategorized

Let’s keep the paper printing to a minimum! Beginning in spring 2014, all computers at Chapman, with the exception of the printers in the law school,  Dodge College, and nine standalone printers associated with various departments, will be set to automatically print double-sided papers in an effort to save paper. This initiative towards paper conservation

Solar Decathlon Comes to Orange County

October 14, 2013 by | Uncategorized

Every two years, the U.S. Department of Energy sponsors The Solar Decathlon, a competition for students to showcase cutting-edge designs in sustainable living.  Previously the prestigious competition was held on the National Mall in Washington, DC, but when organizers said they were looking for a new home, Chapman Political Science Professor Fred Smoller proposed that

Sustain Chapman

August 22, 2013 by | Uncategorized

As a new school year starts there are always a lot of questions about how to get involved with sustainability initiatives on campus. Here are a few ways to get plugged into the sustainability community on Chapman’s Campus! Help in the Community Garden: Chapman University has a community garden in the Davis Residence Quad. You can

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