6 posts tagged

Chapman Diversity Project


Chapman Queer Pages Launches

December 7, 2015 by |

The Chapman Diversity Project is excited to announce that Queer Pages, an online resource for LGBTQIA+ students, has launched! This resource was created in collaboration between Cross-Cultural Engagement and the Advisory Group on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Communities. buy phentermine online no prescriptionQueer Pages came as a recommendation out of research

Advisory Group on the Status of LGBTQ Communities

November 16, 2015 by |

The Advisory Group on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Communities is working on many exciting project this semester. This Advisory Group is co-chaired by Lia Halloran, Assistant Professor in the Department of Art, Michael Nehring, Professor in the Department of Theatre, and Rose Mackenzie, Student and Chapman Feminist Co-President. The Advisory

Advisory Group on the Status of International Communities

November 4, 2015 by |

The Advisory Group on the Status of International Communities, co-chaired by Jodi Hicks, Overseas Program Manager in the Center for Global Education, and Charlene Baldwin, Dean of the Leatherby Libraries, is taking quick action on some of its short-term goals this semester. This includes the continuation of two programs, Windows of the World and International

Announcing the Advisory Group on the Status of Veterans

October 28, 2015 by |

The Chapman Diversity Project is pleased to support the development of an Advisory Group on the Status of Veterans. This group will examine the types of support and resources that will help ensure the success of veterans and military-connected members of the Chapman community. Through dialogue and research on best practices at peer and aspirational

Advisory Group on the Status of Socioeconomic Stratification

October 26, 2015 by |

The Advisory Group on the Status of Socioeconomic Stratification, a part of the Chapman Diversity Project, is co-chaired by Georgiana Bostean, Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, Health and Policy, Crystal De La Riva, Academic Advisor and Program Coordinator for Promising Futures, and Ovidio Sanchez, Undergraduate Student. valium online no prescriptionvalium online without prescriptionbuy valium no prescriptionbuy ambien

Curriculum Task Force

October 19, 2015 by |

Nina LeNoir, Vice Chancellor of Undergraduate Education, and Anat Herzog, Doctoral Candidate, co-chair the Curriculum Task Force, a part of the Chapman Diversity Project. The Curriculum Task Force is excited to continue working on our long list of goals for this year. This semester we are setting the foundations for a number of important action items

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