A multitude of misconceptions can exist around mental diversity for those people who have not been directly impacted by disability in their lives. Much like the diverse ethnic, cultural and personal differences that exist in our society, different brain functions exist that have been labeled as Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others. While it may seem intuitive that neurological differences would already be an established and celebrated aspect of diversity, neurodiversity is certainly not popularized yet. Even Forbes failed to include it as a component in measuring how firms can become more innovative by including diverse perspectives as a part of their workforce.

Neurodiversity is a relatively recent movement that asks society to think of these brain differences as a variation in human wiring instead of a disease. Similar to how businesses are learning that individuals with autism are highly competent and loyal employees, society at large is learning to celebrate the plethora of brain functionalities that exist and embracing the lifestyles associated with them.

Neurodiversity insists that people with “atypical” brain functionality be integrated into society as they are and rejects that anyone’s way of thinking needs to be fixed or cured. While it’s important to recognize that those with autism can be high-functioning and have unique capabilities, some critics living with autism say the movement lacks full understanding.

Neurodiversity takes the right step in championing equality for those with different brain functionalities, however, not everyone with a neurodevelopmental disability can function on their own and certainly need support in their lives. Neurodiversity is a movement with wonderful intentions and its certainly important to bring issues of equality for those with neurological differences to the forefront.