February 10, 2021
Dr. Cathery Yeh of Chapman University and Dr. Daniel Reinholtz of San Diego State University, in collaboration with Drs. Meghan Cosier and Audri Gomez of TPI, have been awarded $14,676 to develop the Anti-Bias Developing and Researching STEM Education (ARISE) Project. The Office of Research, the Provost, and the Vice Provost for Academic Administration selected the ARISE Project out of 25 other project proposals as part of the competitive Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Awards.
To better support students of color in K-12 STEM classes, the ARISE Project will research and develop an implicit bias reduction model to be used in professional development training for teachers. The ARISE Project will partner with the Newport-Mesa School District to test a job-embedded anti-bias model in four K-12 STEM classes over the course of one academic year. This teacher-focused professional development model will consist of three main components – lesson study, anti-bias teaching analysis, and technology-facilitated collaborative learning.
The ARISE Project is a pilot program that will be revised and further developed to apply for the National Science Foundation Grant Discovery Research PreK-12 Program.