
OURCA Ambassadors Nicole Hornaday and Benji Whitmore presenting OURCA opportunities and sharing personal experiences in UG research and creative activity to a freshman foundations class.

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (
) officially announces the
OURCA Ambassador

OURCA Ambassadors are a group of outstanding undergraduates from a variety of disciplines who have participated in OURCA programs. They’ve worked with OURCA either through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (
) or the Student-Faculty Independent Research and/or Creative Activity Grant. In the 2016-2017 group, there are theater majors, film majors, students from the pharmacy school, and scholars focusing on various sciences.


OURCA Ambassador, Jessica Bocinski and SURF fellow Seth Yund answer questions from perspective students at Discover Chapman Day.

These students are motivated and passionate about undergraduate research, both in their own projects and in spreading
information about the opportunities to their peers.

OURCA Ambassadors are available to share their experiences with other undergraduates and with prospective students and their parents. You’ll see them at OURCA events, at table events and panel discussions, and in classes to share the numerous research and funding possibilities to the undergraduate community.

Meet the current OURCA Student Ambassadors:

  •       Shannon Corenthin is a dual French and Canadian citizen studying Theater Performance and Integrated Educational Studies. This fall, she’s taking her research focus of Black women in American theatre to the stage by directing Lynn Nottage’s POOF!


    OURCA Ambassadors Benji Whitmore, Natalie Tom, and Jessica Bocinski sharing OURCA opportunities with students at the Student Involvement Fair

  •       Jessica Bocinski is a double major in Art History and Anthropology; she focuses on the work of the Pre-Raphaelite artist William Holman Hunt.
  •       Benji Whitmore is a junior in the School of Pharmacy working in the field of ion channel pharmacology using X-ray techniques.
  •       Natalie Tom is a Chemistry Major with a Nutrition Minor and working towards a Master’s in Food Science. She is studying methods to extend the shelf life of beef.
  •       Lena Romano is a double major in Theater and Sociology; she’s interested in the influence of social class on woman in theater. This fall, she’s directing the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell as part of a feminist theatre festival.
  •       Nicole Hornaday graduated in May 2016 with a degree in Biological Sciences; she has developed a presentation for OURCA’s SURF program that explores best practices in mentor–mentee communication.


OURCA Ambassadors Lena Romano and Shannon Corenthin sharing information with freshman parents during orientation at the Academic Resources Fair.

Are you interested in having an OURCA Student Ambassador come to your class or club meeting? Request an Ambassador on the
Campus Outreach

If you’d like to become an OURCA Ambassador in the future, keep an eye out for the information session when applications become available in the spring.