Taylor Lee Patti (May ’17) is a promising researcher with a passion for academics, so much so that she will be graduating this May with a triple major in Physics, Math, and Spanish. As part of her undergraduate studies, Taylor worked with Chapman University’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity to conduct her own independent research for course credit.

Taylor was mentored by Dr. Justin Dressel on her project entitled “Linear Feedback Stabilization for a Continuously Monitored Qubit.” Of her work, she says, “The fundamental unit of quantum computers is the quantum bit or qubit, a particle which exists in a superposition of two states. Our project sought to stabilize qubits of a superconducting architecture by subjecting them to a continuous measurement while simultaneously feeding back control pulses based on the outcome of these measurements.”

Not only was Taylor able to present her research at Chapman University’s semi-annual Student Research Day, but she was also able to present her work at the American Physical Society March Meeting, the largest gathering of physicists in the world. “This week-long meeting enabled me to meet many of the leaders in my and other fields,” she pointed out. And she added, “We will now publish a paper based on our work.” Students in OURCA-based coursework and funding programs are encouraged to present and publish the products of their labor.

Getting involved in research at the undergraduate level has had an impact on Taylor’s future life and career. She will continue to study quantum information through her research at Harvard University, where she will begin her PhD in theoretical physics next Fall. She encourages all undergraduate students to get involved with the many research opportunities available at Chapman University, especially in Physics. “Just do it!” she says. “Physics is cool. Don’t be scared!”

 Like Taylor, other Chapman University students–maybe YOU–can conduct independent research and creative activity for course credit in conjunction with the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (OURCA). OURCA offers several programs that allow “students to work directly with a faculty mentor on independent contributions to that mentor’s scholarly research/creative project(s) or on the student’s independent scholarly research/creative project under faculty guidance.”

Want to get involved in one of the many awesome research and creative opportunities available through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity? Visit OURCA’s website to get more information about the many opportunities available to Chapman University undergraduate students.