Interterm and Spring 2021 courses are now available in Canvas.

Before you hit “copy all” please check the following resources and avoid the most common issues.

Best Practice:

  • Do NOT “Copy All” when copying from one course to another. You will end up with more than you bargained for.
  • Use caution when copying the Calendar. It will copy events from the PAST which you likely don’t want in your future course.
  • Do NOT copy things more than once into the same course. If you copy the same item to the same course more than once, the item you previously copied will be overwritten with the newly copied item.
  • Always run the Link Validator after a copy to check for any broken links or links pointing to the wrong course.


The following items don’t copy  or don’t copy well, so expect to recreate these items from scratch:

  • Turnitin assignments
  • 3rd party integrations (Flipgrid, publisher content, etc)
  • Calendar items
  • Zoom meetings

Find and copy from your Bb Archive or any Canvas Course


Adjusting Dates for Assignments

Copy a Module from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How do I copy a Module to another course? 

Copy a Page from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How to Copy a Page from One Course to Another Course

Copy an Assignment from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How do I copy an Assignment to another course?

Copy a Quiz from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How do I copy a Quiz from one course to another course?


  • By default, quiz copies will not include unbookmarked question banks. To ensure your question banks are included, you must bookmark your question banks.

Copy a Discussion from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How do I copy a Discussion from one course to another course?

Copy an Announcement from One Course to Another Course

➡️  Canvas Guide: How do I copy an Announcement from one course to another course?

Things to check now that your course copy is complete:

  • Run the link validator
  • Check and adjust due dates
  • Confirm any and all Panopto videos are viewable
  • Confirm your question banks and rubrics transferred (if you have them)

💁🏽 Need assistance? We have staff on standby!

Join us in the Virtual Tech Hub Monday-Friday from

9:30am to 11:30am and 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Click the link and a Zoom room will open.

🖥️ View our upcoming workshops