
Course Settings Publish Buttons


Course Publish and Unpublish buttons display in the Course Settings page.

Change Benefit

This change allows courses to be published from either the Course Settings page or the Dashboard.

Affected User Roles


Feature Workflow

In the Course Details tab, the top of the Course Settings sidebar includes the course Publish and Unpublish buttons. Courses can be published and unpublished from either the Dashboard or Course Settings.

When a course includes graded submissions, the course can no longer be unpublished and the buttons will be removed from the page.

Additional Details

Publishing a course is a course permission set at the account level.

Course Settings Publish/Unpublish Buttons

New Quizzes

Quiz Printing


The Quiz build page includes options to print the quiz with and without answers.

Change Benefit

This change allows quizzes to be printed in an offline format.

Affected User Roles


For individual quizzes, the Settings menu includes two options:

  • Print Key (with Answers)
  • Print Blank Quiz

Print Key Options

Both quiz options display a Print Quiz window. By default, medium text is selected for the quiz printout. However, two additional larger options are available.

The Print Quiz window always retains the text size selected in the previously printed quiz. To always reset the text size to medium, instructors can deselect the checkbox at the bottom of the window.


Print Quiz page

When the print preview is generated for a blank quiz, the print dialog window displays the print options for the instructor. However, the quiz also reloads in preview mode. Instructors can exit the preview to return to the quiz editing page.

Rich Content Editor

Accessibility Checker Indicator


The Rich Content Editor indicates when accessibility concerns are detected in the Accessibility Checker.

Change Benefit

This behavior invites content creators to improve their content and ensure it is accessible to all Canvas users.

Affected User Roles

User Role

When the Accessibility Checker Notification is enabled for a course, any accessibility issues detected within the Rich Content Editor display an indicator. This indicator helps users know about these issues without having to open the Accessibility Checker.

Accessibility Checker with Information Icon


Differentiated Assignments Student Secondary Information


The Assign To field displays secondary information to differentiate students with the same name.

Change Benefit

This change provides additional information to differentiate students with the same name who are being added to an assignment.

Affected User Roles


Feature Workflow

When an instructor searches for a student name to add to an assignment, any names with an exact match display in the student list. Secondary information for each student, if available, displays in parenthesis after the student’s name.

  • Secondary identifiers are displayed as follows in the following order:
  • The SIS ID is used if the student has a SIS User ID, and the currently logged-in user has permissions to view the SIS User ID
  • The email is used if the student has an email address, and the currently logged-in user has permission to view email.
  • The Login ID is used if the student has a login ID, and the currently logged-in user has permission to view the Login ID.
  • No identifier is shown if none of the previous options are available to the currently logged-in user.

Bulk Due Date Time Editor

The Bulk Due Date Editor has been updated to include a time field.

Change Benefit
This change allows instructors to bulk update the due date times of assignments.

Feature Workflow

Edit Assignment Dates

On the Assignments page, click the Options icon [1]. Then select the Edit Assignment Dates option [2].


Bulk Due Date Time Editor

To edit the time for an individual assignment due or availability date, type the desired time.


Event Title Label (field caption)


When adding a Calendar event, a label has been added to the title field.

Change Benefit

This change allows all users to have improved digital access to the calendar when creating events.

Feature Workflow

Create Calendar Event

In the Calendar, create an event and click the More Options button.Event Title Label

The title field includes the Event Title label (field caption).


Missing Status Removal


When a grade is entered manually for a missing submission, the missing status is removed.

Change Benefit

This change removes the Missing label for submissions that have not been submitted online but that have received a manually entered grade.

Feature Workflow

When an assignment indicates a student’s submission as missing, and a grade is entered manually in the Gradebook, the Missing status is removed. In the Gradebook, the Missing status is indicated as a color. The Grade Detail Tray displays both the status and the color.

Grade Entry removes Missing status

Gradebook Loading Icon


When the Gradebook is loading, a spinner icon indicates the loading process.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to know if the Gradebook is loading.

Feature Workflow

Gradebook Loading Icon

The spinner icon indicates the loading process.


Submission Status Label Edits


Submission status labels can be edited in SpeedGrader.

Change Benefit

This change allows graders to change the submission status for a student’s assignment directly in SpeedGrader.

Affected User Roles


Feature Workflow

The SpeedGrader sidebar includes an Edit icon to be used for submission statuses. Statuses can be edited the same way as in the Gradebook. Additionally, adjusting a status in SpeedGrader also applies to the Gradebook.

  • Setting the status to Missing displays the Missing label.
  • If a late policy is enabled, setting the status to late displays the late label. Additionally, a text field allows the grader to enter a value for the days/hours late.
  • Setting the status to excused displays the Excused status, and the grade field displays as EX and is grayed out.
  • Setting the status to None removes any labels that were previously displayed for the assignment.

SpeedGrader Status Edit Menu

The Edit Status icon is not displayed in the following assignment scenarios:

  • Previously submitted submissions (only the most recent submission is supported)
  • Concluded user enrollments
  • Inactive student enrollments
  • Assignments that require moderated grading
  • Assignments in a closed grading period