
Sort Assignments by Excused Submissions and Unposted Grades


In the Gradebook, instructors can sort individual assignment columns and rows by excused submissions and unposted grades.

Change Benefit

This update provides instructors with more sorting options and improves efficiency when working in Gradebook columns.

Feature Workflow

Assignment Menu Sort By Options

To sort submissions by Excused or Unposted grades, select an assignment and click the Assignment menu [1]. Then, select the desired filter option [2].


Sort By Unposted Filter View

When the Sort By Unposted filter is applied, unposted grades are filtered to the top of the column.

Note: To filter unposted grades, the Grade Posting Policy must be set to Manually Post Grades.

Sort By Excused Filter View

When the Sort by Excused filter is applied, excused submissions are filtered to the top of the column.

Sort by First Name


Instructors can sort students by first name.

Change Benefit

This update improves view options for instructors in the Gradebook.

Feature Workflow

Sort Student Names

Student First Name Sort By Menu

In the Gradebook, hover over the Student Name column header and select the Options icon [1]. To sort students, select the Sort by link [2]. By default, names are sorted alphabetically by last name from A-Z.

Sort Student First Names

Sort Student First Names

When the Allow gradebook users to view and export student first and last names in separate columns account setting is enabled, you can sort students by first name.

To sort by first name, click the Student First Name option icon [1]. Then select the Sort by link [2] and select the Name option [3]. By default, first names are sorted alphabetically A-Z.

Note: Sorting students by last name continues to be available.

Display Name Order

Display Name Order

To display names in a specific name order, select the Display as link. By default, names display as first name, last name. To sort in descending order, click the Last, First Name option.

New Quizzes

Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes


SpeedGrader supports grading one question at a time in New Quizzes. When in Grade by Question mode the question navigation bar is available and the Update score button location has been updated. Additionally, hyperlinks have been added to questions requiring manual grading

Change Benefit

This change improves efficiency for instructors when marking grades.

Feature Workflow

SpeedGrader Settings Icon

In SpeedGrader, click the Settings Icon [1] and select Options from the drop-down menu [2]

SpeedGrader Settings Modal

Select Grade by Question [1], then click the Save Settings [1] button.

Updated Grade by Question Buttons

When in Grade by Question mode and interacting with a question, the Update score button location has been updated[1]. Additionally, instructors can navigate between students with the Previous Student and Next Student Buttons [2].


Question Not Available Modal

When a student does not have the same active question, a modal displays to notify the instructor the question is not available for that student.


Question Navigation Bar and Question Hyperlinks

Instructors can navigate between questions using the Question Navigation bar in SpeedGrader [1]. Additionally, for questions requiring manual grading, click the hyperlink to skip to the selected question [2]. Once graded, the question is removed from the summary box.