Beginning in Fall 2020, Blackboard Organization Leaders will need to start using Canvas DENS (Digital ENvironments) rather than Blackboard Organizations. Please spend this summer gathering resources and planning your new space (if needed) in Canvas for Fall 2020.

If you are the Leader of a Blackboard Organization, (many clubs and departments have space in a Blackboard Organization), now is the time to plan for that final move into Canvas.  You can find your list of Organizations at

list of sample blackboard organizations


What should you do now?

Well, it depends. It depends on what you had in that space and if you still want it. It depends on whether it makes sense to bring things over to Canvas or start over fresh. Consider the following scenarios:

The Org in Blackboard is unimportant and isn’t needed anymore.  Let us know by emailing and we will make the Org inactive.

The Org in Blackboard has important content that I need to keep a copy of, but I don’t need that content in Canvas. Start downloading the information you want and keep an archive of it someplace on your computer and/or on an external hard drive. Reach out to us at if you need help.

The Org in Blackboard has important content and I want it in Canvas. As long as the Org is active we will be downloading content and transferring it to an archive space in Canvas where you will have access to it. The transfer will happen sometime this summer. We do not have an exact date yet.  Please note that the only items that will come over are Content — think files. People, discussions, grade center items, submissions, etc. will not come over. If you need that stuff, you will need to download it separately and keep an archive of it someplace on your computer and/or on an external hard drive. Reach out to us at if you need help.

I don’t have time to wait to see what will come over from Blackboard. I need to start working on a new space in Canvas now so I (we) will be ready for Fall 2020.  You can start building right away. Please fill out the Canvas Den request form Blackboard Organizations = Canvas Panther Dens.

I need training on how to use Canvas for a Panther Den. Here is the recording of the training session from May, 2020.