Nearly every classroom at Chapman has an AppleTV device available for sharing content into the classroom Audio-Visual (AV) system.  To use the AppleTV you will need to first select the AppleTV as the input source on the AV Panel at the instructor station in the classroom. Though the panels vary across the rooms, you should have a menu that appears similar to the one in the image below (the AppleTV button is yellow in the top right corner):

AV Panel with AppleTV controls

Once you have selected this option, the AppleTV menu will appear on the classroom screen or projector and will offer a join code for pairing your device with the AppleTV.  Then follow these instructions for mirroring to the AppleTV with your device.

Do note that when you are morriroring your Mac laptop to an AppleTV, you will find that menu option by clicking the icon in the upper right corner that looks like this:

icon with menu items affiliated with screen mirroring on a Mac laptop