45 posts categorized in



Fall 2024 Educational Technology Services Workshops Strategies for Student Success

August 13, 2024 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, The Educational Technology Services team is excited to introduce our Fall 2024 workshop series: Strategies for Student Success.  In alignment with Chapman’s five-year strategic plan, our workshops will focus on the student experience and how instructors can use Canvas and other educational technology tools to promote digital literacy, equitable access,

Introducing: Strategies for Student Success Spring 2024 Educational Technology Services Workshops

January 24, 2024 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, The Educational Technology Services team is excited to introduce our Spring 2024 workshop series: Strategies for Student Success.  In alignment with Chapman’s new five-year strategic plan, our workshops for this academic year have been focused on the student experience and how instructors can use Canvas and other educational technology tools

Introducing: Strategies for Student Success Fall 2023 Educational Technology Services Workshops

August 30, 2023 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff, The Educational Technology Services team is excited to introduce our Fall 2023 workshop series: Strategies for Student Success.  In alignment with Chapman’s new five-year strategic plan, our workshops for this academic year will focus on the student experience and how instructors can use Canvas and other educational technology tools to

Sustainability Microcredential Program

March 22, 2023 by | Canvas

To address the climate crisis and promote sustainability efforts on campus, Educational Technology Services consulted with the Office of Sustainability and the Faculty Senate Sustainability Committee to create the Sustainability Microcredential Program. The Sustainability Microcredential Program encourages Chapman University faculty and instructors to consider multiple ways to reduce paper usage by leveraging Chapman resources, the

Taking Attendance Quick with Qwickly!

February 27, 2023 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Community, Qwickly Attendance is a convenient tool integrated into Canvas that allows instructors to quickly take attendance. With Qwickly Attendance, instructors can easily mark attendance for multiple classes at once, view attendance history, and set up automated attendance policies that can be reflected in the Canvas Gradebook. The tool streamlines the attendance-taking process,

Hypothes.is One-on-one consultation

February 11, 2022 by | Canvas

Are you interested in increasing student engagement, expanding reading comprehension, and building critical thinking and community in classes? Hypothes.is allows for collaborative annotation that makes reading active, visible, and social, enabling students to engage with their texts, teachers, ideas, and each other in deeper, more meaningful ways. Autumn Ottenad, Customer Success Specialist from Hypothes.is offers

Teaching Untethered Step away from the podium

October 29, 2021 by | Faculty

Teaching untethered removes the physical barriers that separate instructors from the students. The connected classrooms are equipped with Apple TV. Instructors use airplay on the iPad to share their screen with the classroom projector.  We encourage instructors to interact with their students and step away from the podium. Instructors can walk around the classroom and

Visit the ETS Linktree

July 19, 2021 by | Faculty

What is Linktree? Linktree is a website that allows you to create a personalized and easily customizable webpage that houses all the important links you want to share with your audience. Why did ETS create a Linktree? We were looking for a simple way to put all our most important links in one place. At

Teaching Tips Thursday: Wheel of Names

March 25, 2021 by | Canvas

What is the Wheel of Names? Wheel of names is a free online tool to randomize names or images. Access Go to the wheel of names website to access https://wheelofnames.com/ Ideas for Using Wheel of Names Student names Team names Subject matter You can copy special characters like smileys from other websites and paste them

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