Rich Content Editor

Drag and Drop or Paste Multiple Files


In the Rich Content Editor, users can drag and drop or paste multiple files.

Change Benefit

This change allows users to quickly and efficiently add files in the Rich Content Editor.

Feature Workflow

Rich Content Editor Drag and Drop Multiple Files

Users can drag and drop multiple files into the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor Copy and Paste Multiple Files

Additionally, users can paste multiple files in the Rich Content Editor.


Additional Quick Links


SpeedGrader quick links are added to the Options menus for Assignments, Graded Discussions, Modules, Classic Quizzes, and New Quizzes.

Change Benefit

This update improves accessibility to SpeedGrader from various areas within Canvas.

Feature Workflow

Assignment SpeedGrader Quick Link

In Assignments, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options menu.

Modules SpeedGrader Quick Link

In Modules, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link for Assignments, Classic Quizzes New Quizzes and Graded Discussions using the Options Menu.

Assignment View SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Assignment View page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

Assignment Edit Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Assignment Edit page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

Quizzes Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

In the Quizzes page, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link using the Options Menu.

New Quiz Build Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

When in the build page of a New Quiz, instructors can view the SpeedGrader quick link in the Options Menu.

New Quiz Moderate Page SpeedGrader Quick Link

Additionally, when in the Moderate page of a New Quiz, instructors can view a SpeedGrader button.

Additional Details

If an item has not been published, the SpeedGrader quick link does not display.