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Hypothes.is App in Canvas Available Now for Fall 2021

August 18, 2021 by | Canvas

Spring 2021-Summer 2021 we had a successful pilot for Hypothes.is and Gradescope in Canvas. There was fantastic feedback from faculty and students. As a result, we will be having a University site license for Hypothes.is starting this Fall 2021 term. Hypothesis is an easy to use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have

How to Copy from One Canvas Course to Another

July 18, 2021 by | Canvas

Fall 2021 courses are now available in Canvas! Before you copy “All Content” please check the following resources and avoid the most common issues. Best Practice: Do NOT copy “All Content” when copying from one course to another. You will end up with more than you bargained for. Use caution when copying Calendar Events. It

Canvas Help Menu: View Release Notes Canvas Update June 2021

June 29, 2021 by | Canvas

Canvas Global Navigation Help Menu Release Notes Interface You can view release note links from the Help Menu. Release notes describe new and updated features added to the Canvas interface. The Help Menu displays the last ten release notes posted for the instructor role. You may also see notes for admin and observer roles if

Canvas SpeedGrader: Comment Library Canvas Update June 2021

June 29, 2021 by | Canvas

Canvas SpeedGrader Comment Library Summary Comments can be added and saved for reuse within SpeedGrader. Change Benefit This change allows graders to save frequently used comments in SpeedGrader and be reused across multiple students and assignments. Affected User Roles Instructors When instructors and other graders access SpeedGrader, the comments field includes a Feedback icon that

Can I re-use Proctorio-enabled quizzes in Canvas?

June 25, 2021 by | Canvas

Over the past year, many instructors started using Proctorio for remote proctoring in Canvas. In August, the license will expire. However, with a few modifications, you can reuse those quizzes in Canvas. Step 1.  Copy the quiz to your new Canvas course There is more than one way to copy a quiz to a Canvas

Canvas Updates May 2021

May 26, 2021 by | Canvas

Assignments Student Annotation Submissions New Quizzes Save and Build Button Workflow Summary The New Quiz creation page includes both a Save button and a Build button. Change Benefit This change aligns the Save button behavior with other areas of Canvas, and the Build button distinctively separates the workflow for building a quiz. Affected User Roles

Canvas End of Semester Checklist

May 25, 2021 by | Canvas

Some things to think about as you wrap up the semester in Canvas and post final grades.  Reminder, grades are due May 31, 2021. Put in Zeros for Missing Assignments If students are missing assignments you will need to put in zeros for those missing assignments. The easiest way to do this is to open

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