161 posts categorized in



Improve Accessibility in Canvas Ally is now available in your Canvas course

April 20, 2020 by | Canvas

What is Ally? Ally is a new Chapman service to help make course materials in Canvas more accessible. Ally provides faculty with feedback on the accessibility of course content in Canvas using a visual dial and provides suggested step-by-step instructions to improve the accessibility of the content.  Need help!  A little better  Almost there  Perfect! Ally also provides

Web conferencing in Canvas using Zoom

March 12, 2020 by | Canvas

Zoom is a popular web conferencing software that is already integrated with Canvas.  As of 3/13/2020 we have an expanded license to Zoom for Chapman instructors. Please log in with your Chapman credentials via Single Sign On to activate your account at https://chapman.zoom.us  Students do not need to have a Zoom account to attend meetings

Your Canvas course has a built-in virtual classroom BigBlueButton

March 5, 2020 by | Canvas

Host Class Virtually through Conferences (BigBlueButton) Unable to make it to class due to an unforeseen circumstance? Want to have online office hours? What about an online tutoring session for students?  Hold it on BigBlueButton in Canvas! Easily create a virtual meeting in Canvas through BigBlueButton. You’ll find it on the Conferences tab. (Links to an

Canvas Lightning Talks

March 3, 2020 by | Canvas

Educational Technology Services will be hosting Canvas Lightning Talks on Monday, 04/6/20 and Thursday, 04/9/20; Between 3 to 5 PM at the Tech Hub. During these talks, we will hear from Canvas Early Adopters and faculty members who have participated in the ‘Complete Course Redesign’ program. The speakers will share their experiences with Canvas and

Pronouns on Canvas a new feature for you

February 4, 2020 by | Canvas

Every day I am learning new features and possibilities in Canvas.  One reason why it is a constant learning curve is that Canvas routinely rolls out updates, upgrades, and new features to better meet the needs of faculty and students. An example of a recent addition to Canvas that I am pleased about, is the

Teaching Math in Canvas Duy Tran

January 14, 2020 by | Canvas

An interview with professor Duy Tran on teaching math in Canvas What did you teach in Canvas? I was one of the instructors who piloted Canvas before the decision was made to go to Canvas. I taught during Interterm 2019, Spring 2019, and Summer 2019. The courses I built out were Math 109 (Business Calculus)

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