110 posts categorized in



Zoom default recording changes Effective March 26th 2021

March 15, 2021 by | Canvas

Effective March 26th, 2021, Chapman will be changing the default cloud recording to: Record active speaker with shared screen. This change will provide a better viewing experience in Canvas for Students. Students will see only two options, audio and video. The prior default settings made five different files (speaker view, shared screen, gallery view, shared

Teaching Tips Thursday: Mid-Semester Feedback

March 11, 2021 by | Faculty

Midterm season has officially arrived!  This time after the first major assessment of the semester can be the perfect time to pause, reflect on your teaching thus far, and ask your students for their feedback. Benefits of collecting mid-semester feedback Taking time for a mid-semester feedback survey can reap so many benefits for both instructors

Canvas Updates March 2021

March 5, 2021 by | Canvas

Courses MathJax Equation Enhancements & Text Field LaTeX Characters Summary LaTeX equations can be entered in any Canvas text field, and MathJax is loaded if Canvas detects an equation image added by delimited LaTeX characters. Change Benefit This change allows users to use equations in more areas of Canvas and manage equations more efficiently. Affected

3 Zoom Features to Enhance Virtual Class Meetings

February 9, 2021 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman University faculty, I would like to share 3 new Zoom features with you that will enhance your students’ experience and allow you to share your content easier. To ensure you can use these features, please make sure your Zoom application is up to date. 1- Virtual Seating Chart: Zoom’s gallery view allows you

Canvas Updates January 2021

January 26, 2021 by | Canvas

PAGES Bulk Page Delete Multiple pages can be deleted at one time in the Pages Index page. This change allows outdated content to be removed more quickly. Previously pages could only be deleted one at a time. Pages can be multi-selected by selecting a checkbox next to the pages. More details Individual Page Student View

How to submit textbook adoptions on Follett Discover via Canvas

January 25, 2021 by | Faculty

One way to submit textbook adoptions is to go through Canvas. Since many faculty are on Canvas every day, this might be the easiest way for you to access Follett Discover for your textbook adoptions.  Here is your step-by-step guide.   Before you go to Follett, be sure you have the ISBN number(s) handy and/or

Canvas support resources For Instructors

January 15, 2021 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Univerity faculty, To help you prepare for the upcoming semester, we have updated our Canvas support resources. E-mail hehp: canvas@chapman.edu Virtual support: Monday to Friday, 9:30-11:30 am & 2:30-4:30 pm at the Virtual Tech Hub Canvas Support Knowledgebase: In this knowledgebase, you will find information about the Chapman-specific use of Canvas that may not

How to Organize Your Canvas Course Series For Instructors

December 12, 2020 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman University faculty, Educational Technology Services will be hosting “How to Organize Your Canvas Course Series.”  Chapman University instructional designers will share their best practices on engaging your students through Canvas, and show you how to use the tools in Canvas to simplify your communication. Please click on the links below to find out

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