18 posts categorized in



Exploring HyFlex Problems & Solutions Recording and Slides Available

July 20, 2020 by | Canvas

The recording is now available for the “Exploring HyFlex Problems & Solutions” workshop that was held on Wednesday, July 15, 2020. This workshop was organized by the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Educational Technology Services, and explored how faculty can overcome course obstacles so that all students meet the learning objectives. Throughout

Preparing to Teach Remotely Steps for course continuity during emergencies

March 6, 2020 by | Canvas

Various emergencies can create a potential time period in which face-to-face teaching could be interrupted. First and foremost, we need to pay attention to the physical aspect of emergency procedures. However, at an institution devoted to higher learning, it is also important for faculty to be prepared to use alternative methods of teaching in case

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