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Simple Syllabus Pilot

November 6, 2024 by | Canvas

What is Simple Syllabus? Simple Syllabus is a centralized, template-driven syllabus management system designed to streamline the creation and distribution of course syllabi, ultimately saving instructors time. Here are some key features: Template-Driven: It uses dynamic templates to ensure consistency while allowing instructors to personalize their syllabi. Centralized Repository: All syllabi are stored in a

Nearpod Pilot is here Now accepting sign-ups

September 22, 2023 by | Faculty

What is Nearod? Nearpod makes lessons interactive. Create a lesson, video, or activity and upload your resources (PowerPoints, Google Slides, PDFs, videos). Customize the lesson with interactive slides, videos, gamification, and activities to check for student understanding and deepen engagement with Nearpod tools: Draw It, Polls, Drag & Drop, and Open-Ended Questions. Support student understanding by using insights from the formative

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