103 posts categorized in



Canvas data from February 2023

March 15, 2023 by | Canvas

These graphs represent the activity in active Canvas courses. In this context, “active” courses are courses that have had at least one instructor interaction and four student interactions in the month of February.  Click on the image to open it in a larger format:

Poll Your Way to Success: Using Poll Everywhere to Enhance Student Reflection and Learning

March 6, 2023 by | Technology

Poll Everywhere is an interactive response system that can be used as a powerful reflection tool to help instructors support their students’ learning and success. By creating interactive polls, competitions, and surveys, instructors can help students reflect on their learning, identify areas for improvement, and engage in the learning process. Here are some examples of

Slow Teaching a message for midsemester

February 28, 2023 by | Technology

In general, I am a fan of efficiency. For example, I grade with rubrics because of their clarity, I post all course materials on Canvas for easy accessibility, and I copy materials from one class to the next so I don’t need to re-build content each go-round. However, lately I’ve been thinking about the benefits

Taking Attendance Quick with Qwickly!

February 27, 2023 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Community, Qwickly Attendance is a convenient tool integrated into Canvas that allows instructors to quickly take attendance. With Qwickly Attendance, instructors can easily mark attendance for multiple classes at once, view attendance history, and set up automated attendance policies that can be reflected in the Canvas Gradebook. The tool streamlines the attendance-taking process,

What is ChatGPT? What can educators do about cheating?

January 9, 2023 by | Faculty

Cheating in the classroom isn’t something new. Students use to think they were clever by replacing their water bottle labels with notes or using the back of their calculator covers to hide formulas. As technology grows, it opens more avenues for students to find ways to cheat. Instead of water bottles, students began to use

Teaching Untethered Having learners present from their devices

November 3, 2022 by | Faculty

Last year we posted Teaching Untethered: Step away from the podium. We want to now review how students can benefit from the technology in our Chapman classrooms. More and more learners are now bringing their digital devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, into the classroom. Instructors can use these devices to engage the classroom,

What is the Online Classroom Inventory (OCI)?

September 15, 2022 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman Community, Did you know that there is a way to search Chapman classrooms to see what a classroom looks like and what the room features are?  Using the Online Classroom Inventory (OCI), you can: Search Chapman classrooms by building, by feature, by capacity, or by category (laboratory, active learning classroom, etc.). View photos

Classroom Blu-Ray Players

July 18, 2022 by | Technology

The Classroom Technology team has decided to gradually remove Blu-Ray players from classroom AV systems. The decision was made based on usage data that was gathered from an AV-based application called ‘Extron GlobalViewer’, along with input from the Media Services team. The data showed that the Blu-Ray source was the least used compared to other

Hypothes.is One-on-one consultation

February 11, 2022 by | Canvas

Are you interested in increasing student engagement, expanding reading comprehension, and building critical thinking and community in classes? Hypothes.is allows for collaborative annotation that makes reading active, visible, and social, enabling students to engage with their texts, teachers, ideas, and each other in deeper, more meaningful ways. Autumn Ottenad, Customer Success Specialist from Hypothes.is offers

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