105 posts categorized in



Why I love using Hypothesis

April 5, 2021 by | Faculty

This blog post is authored by Dr. Shira Klein, faculty in the Department of History of Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. “Hypothesis,” is a wonderful tool for making sure students have done the reading, or at least part of it. In disciplines where learning depends heavily on textual sources, ensuring that students

Teaching Tips Thursday: Wheel of Names

March 25, 2021 by | Canvas

What is the Wheel of Names? Wheel of names is a free online tool to randomize names or images. Access Go to the wheel of names website to access https://wheelofnames.com/ Ideas for Using Wheel of Names Student names Team names Subject matter You can copy special characters like smileys from other websites and paste them

Zoom default recording changes Effective March 26th 2021

March 15, 2021 by | Canvas

Effective March 26th, 2021, Chapman will be changing the default cloud recording to: Record active speaker with shared screen. This change will provide a better viewing experience in Canvas for Students. Students will see only two options, audio and video. The prior default settings made five different files (speaker view, shared screen, gallery view, shared

How do students see grades and instructor feedback in Canvas?

November 30, 2020 by | Canvas

Have you ever wondered how your students see their grades and the feedback you provide them in Canvas?  In this workshop, we looked at grades and feedback from a student perspective: Here are the Canvas Guides for the topics that we covered.  Please feel free to share these with your students! For students: How do

Technology Tips for Teaching Online For Instructors

August 31, 2020 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman University faculty, As the new semester starts, I would like to share some tips with you to help you start your classes online. You can click on each link below to receive more information. On behalf of the Educational Technology Services Team, I wish you an excellent start to the fall semester and

A “Window” into the Fall semester

July 30, 2020 by | Canvas

These past few months of working from home, I’ve spent a significant amount of time gazing at the window view outside of my home office, which shows the orange tree in my yard as well as my vegetable garden beds and my chicken coop off in the far distance: The view has helped to offset

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