44 posts categorized in



How do students see grades and instructor feedback in Canvas?

November 30, 2020 by | Canvas

Have you ever wondered how your students see their grades and the feedback you provide them in Canvas?  In this workshop, we looked at grades and feedback from a student perspective: Here are the Canvas Guides for the topics that we covered.  Please feel free to share these with your students! For students: How do

A “Window” into the Fall semester

July 30, 2020 by | Canvas

These past few months of working from home, I’ve spent a significant amount of time gazing at the window view outside of my home office, which shows the orange tree in my yard as well as my vegetable garden beds and my chicken coop off in the far distance: The view has helped to offset

Four weeks to a Canvas Course Week 4

July 20, 2020 by | Canvas

This is part 4 of a 4-week series on how to get your course ready in Canvas In Week 1, we explored training opportunities, uploaded a profile picture, uploaded a syllabus to the Syllabus tab, and uploaded files. In Week 2,  added Modules and Pages, and looked at examples of courses from other institutions for ideas. In Week

Engaging Remote Students Recording available

July 1, 2020 by | Canvas

If you missed “Enaging Remote Students,” you may now view the recording of it. Organized by the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Educational Technology Services, the event discusses multiple options for keeping remote students engaged!  Slidedeck.

What Technology and Tools Do I Need to Create a Podcast for My Students? Monday Morning Mentor Series

February 24, 2020 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

How Can I Cost-Effectively Use Virtual Reality to Enhance Instruction? Monday Morning Mentor Series

February 11, 2020 by | Faculty

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

Getting Started with Canvas in 10 Steps

November 26, 2019 by | Canvas

Getting Started with Canvas in 10 Steps 1. Modify Your Canvas Settings Within Canvas you have the option of customizing your Settings by adding a secondary email address or cell phone for text notifications. In Global Navigation, click on the Account link and go to the Settings link. Click on +Email Address to add another email address. Click on

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