15 posts tagged



I updated my Mac and can’t share my screen in Zoom!

September 6, 2021 by | Faculty

If you have updated your Mac Operating System to macOS 10.14 Mojave or later, you need to authorize your computer to give permission to Zoom to use the computer’s microphone and camera, share the screen, or allow others to remotely control your desktop. This is due to increased security permissions in Mac Operating System. After

3 Zoom Features to Enhance Virtual Class Meetings

February 9, 2021 by | Faculty

Dear Chapman University faculty, I would like to share 3 new Zoom features with you that will enhance your students’ experience and allow you to share your content easier. To ensure you can use these features, please make sure your Zoom application is up to date. 1- Virtual Seating Chart: Zoom’s gallery view allows you

Solve some Zoom frustration by only sharing part of your screen

February 5, 2021 by | Zoom

I’ve gotten a few questions this week from instructors: I can’t see the students while sharing I can’t see the chat while sharing I have issues trying to share a PowerPoint and videos I use multiple screens and sharing isn’t working the way I want Sharing takes over my entire screen and I don’t like

Update Zoom to Access New Features

January 6, 2021 by | Zoom

If you haven’t updated Zoom recently, you are likely missing out on many new and improved features including: Enhanced breakout room capabilities Enhanced non-verbal feedback and reactions Raise hand feature is now available for hosts and co-hosts Improved security options If you need them, here are instructions on how to update Zoom.  Recent other blog

Technology Tips for Teaching Online For Instructors

August 31, 2020 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman University faculty, As the new semester starts, I would like to share some tips with you to help you start your classes online. You can click on each link below to receive more information. On behalf of the Educational Technology Services Team, I wish you an excellent start to the fall semester and

Getting Started with Zoom For Instructors

August 9, 2020 by | Canvas

First, Claim your account at https://chapman.zoom.us Next, Learn to use the Zoom/Canvas Integration to schedule your meetings Then, Completely new to Zoom? Attend training! Explore the top Zoom resources at Zoom Consider, Start exploring activities you can use in Zoom Last, Practice! If you need technical support on using Zoom, contact the Service Desk. If

Bringing in a guest speaker via Zoom? Tips for a successful Q&A

May 1, 2020 by | Zoom

Eric Whitacre is an American composer, conductor, and speaker known for his choral, orchestral, and wind ensemble music. His works are performed worldwide by orchestras and choirs, while his ground-breaking Virtual Choirs have united singers from over 120 different countries. Adam Borecki, Director of Music Technology, recently hosted a successful Q&A between special guest Eric

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