15 posts tagged



Report all Zoombombing events

April 1, 2020 by | Zoom

It is extremely important that all Zoombombing events are reported so they can be investigated. Report the event! If someone bombs your meeting please report the event immediately. Send an email to infosec@chapman.edu and provide your name and email address the date and time of the meeting the Zoom link and the meeting ID number

Tips to Deter Zoom Bombers

March 26, 2020 by | Zoom

What is a Zoombomber? From an article written by Michelle Pacansky-Brock — see bottom of post for the link to her original article. Zoom is a synchronous (live) web conferencing tool that is fantastic for fostering meaningful instructor-student and student-student interactions. It is being used by many faculty to assist them with a smooth transition

Web conferencing in Canvas using Zoom

March 12, 2020 by | Canvas

Zoom is a popular web conferencing software that is already integrated with Canvas.  As of 3/13/2020 we have an expanded license to Zoom for Chapman instructors. Please log in with your Chapman credentials via Single Sign On to activate your account at https://chapman.zoom.us  Students do not need to have a Zoom account to attend meetings

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