Chapman50 is an exclusive group designed to connect influential Chapman University alumni leaders in a university-wide network unlike any other.
enacts the mission of Chapman University by encouraging alumni leadership and professional development in all fifty states and across the globe. Candidates are civic and professional leaders capable of accelerating Chapman’s international reputation.


Chapman50 founding members celebrate the group’s official kick-off in March 2013.

Founded by
Sinan Kanatsiz ’97
, Chapman50’s 35 current members are on a mission to directly impact the lives of current students through mentorship and scholarships. Chapman50’s members are also actively “connecting the dots” of existing programs at Chapman University. Encouraging and actively participating in collaborations between programs at Chapman University has already resulted in powerful and meaningful results for current students and alumni.

One exciting dynamic about where Chapman50 has come from and where it is today is the freedom its founding members have in determining the purpose of the organization. This freedom has led to an abundant amount of ideas and limitless possibilities for impact.

University leaders are regularly in attendance at Chapman50 events. President Jim Doti, Chancellor Daniele Struppa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Doy Henley and dozens of other university leaders have been actively involved with the growth of Chapman50. Their support and consistent communication with the leaders of Chapman50 are instrumental in creating a unified strategy for creating an impact at Chapman University.


The group gathered at the house of Chapman trustee Joel Moskowitz for a Chapman50 retreat in April 2014.

With dozens of memorable events already in its history, Chapman50 is looking forward to its first event Scholarship Student Recipient Mixer on October 23, 2014. Current students who have earned a scholarship from Chapman50 will be announced. These students will also have the opportunity to meet Chapman50 members and arrange for meetings for direct mentoring throughout the following year. This event will be the culmination of nearly two years of hard work to arrange the structure of the scholarship program. The spirit of Chapman50 is to make a direct impact for current students and encourage them on toward a successful life after graduation so that in the future they can qualify to join Chapman50 as well!

With a plan of having 50 founding members, and 35 currently in the group, there are only 15 open slots for leaders of the Chapman alumni community to become a Chapman50 Founding Member. If you are interested in becoming applying for membership,
please visit us online
 to learn more and submit your application for review.

mike-brown-headshotMike Brown ’06

Chapman50 Chair of Communications
Co-Founder and CEO,