Zach Dutra
, B.S. business administration ’15, quickly climbed the ranks at Harvey & Company, LLC, a leading buy-side mergers and acquisitions firm. In fact, the company is so impressed by Zach, they are now looking to hire more Chapman students and alumni. In this Alumni Spotlight, Zach shares insight about his career growth and offers advice for fellow alumni and students looking to advance their careers.

When and how did you start working for Harvey & Company, LLC? 

I started working at Harvey & Co. as a research intern at the beginning of the second semester my senior year after learning about the position through Argryos Connect.


You climbed from intern to junior analyst to now analyst in an impressive six months! Can you tell me about how you accomplished that?

Hard work, perseverance and listening closely to what my superiors expected from my work. Reminding yourself of the bigger picture and setting daily goals to attain is an easy way to keep you diligent and focused.


What is your favorite part of working at Harvey & Company?

I get to learn firsthand about new industries on a daily basis from extremely successful individuals. No two companies within an industry are the same, and getting to discuss with CEOs what makes their firms tick is exciting to me.


What did you learn and what resources did you utilize at Chapman that helped you succeed as a graduate?

I learned that networking early and often will help you tremendously in the long run. Getting to really know your teachers and advisors and staying in touch with them is key to finding job placement. Where Chapman’s size may be a disadvantage in terms of the sheer volume of connections, it is an advantage in terms of the depth of those connections made if utilized correctly.


Explore and Connect Further:

Interested in exploring careers at Harvey & Company, LLC? 

Harvey & Company, LLC is
Thinking Chapman First
! They are searching for Panthers to fill positions, including a
paid research internship
(where Zach started his journey) and a
junior analyst

If you have job opportunities for Chapman students and alumni, please contact your friendly career and industry team at or call Jo Bandy, director of career and industry (714) 744-7090. Special thanks to Harvey & Company LLC for Thinking Chapman First and Zach Dutra ’15 for sharing his success story with our career and industry team. 

