In this episode of my podcast, The Side Hustle Project, I had a blast catching up with fellow Chapman alumni Selena Taylor ’12 and Jacob Taylor ’12, the couple behind the massively popular travel blog and and Instagram account of the same name, “Find Us Lost.”

I met Selena and Jacob when we were undergraduate students, around the same time when they began dating. After graduation, they moved to the Los Angeles area together.

Selena was working in marketing, and Jacob was doing freelance film production and photography, and working on a few other side projects. And it was at this time, a couple years out of college when the couple decided they didn’t want to live long-term in Los Angeles and got the urge to do some traveling.

So, they packed their bags and went for an extended trip to Europe to see if they’d like living in Amsterdam, where Selena’s family has some ties.

As they traveled, they began documenting their adventures on their brand-new travel blog and Instagram account, where they very quickly built an engaged community and started fielding offers from brands that wanted to collaborate with them.

As of today’s recording, Selena and Jacob have 154,000 Instagram followers, 16,000 monthly readers on their blog, 8,000 email subscribers and work with dozens of brands on producing high-quality content.

If you want to learn how to start a blog in the travel space, check out my episode on Selena and Jacob.

Connect with Selena and Jacob: