On Saturday, October 1, alumni, friends and fans of Chapman SoundCheck came together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the a cappella group. The SoundCheck alumni joined the current group of students to sing their trademark “Happy Endings” song. You can check out a video of the performance on the event Facebook page.

Chapman alumnus Ryan Young ’10, a founding member of SoundCheck ten years ago, was instrumental in organizing this celebration. He credits SoundCheck as one of the most meaningful aspects of his Chapman experience:

“It was always a dream of mine to have this group outlive my time at Chapman, and to see its continued success makes me feel incredibly proud. This group started as an idea in the head of a freshman, and has grown to be something so much bigger. Chapman preaches the idea of entrepreneurship, that students are able to totally shape their college experience – I believe that through and through. SoundCheck was one of the most important pieces of my college experience; it helped to develop skills that I’ve taken with me into the working world, and continues to bring me immense joy to watch them perform throughout the community. To watch so many talented individuals from the past 10 years come together and celebrate the group was something special. It was an honor to sing and perform with such a talented group of individuals!”


Featured above is alumnus Ryan Young ’10 and his wife Natalie, Chapman Sweetheart couple Will ’10 and Jenna (Pinkham) Jones ’11, Cody Morgan ’11 and Sweetheart couple Victoria (Young) ’11 and Sean Aldridge ’09.

Chapman University’s SoundCheck has grown and gained national recognition over the past 10 years since its founding. The group placed first at the 2015 International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA) quarterfinals and again at the 2016 Southwest ICCA semifinals. They then went on to compete at the ICCA finals in New York City. Check out this behind-the-scenes documentary of their ICCA Finals journey: