17 posts categorized in

Alumni Impact


Alumni Hour: Allison Harf ’14

May 24, 2023 by | Alumni Spotlight

During the pandemic, many people picked up new hobbies. For Communication Studies and Women’s Water Polo graduate Allison Harf ’14, she turned her hobby into a family business. Growing up in Sonoma, CA, the heart of wine country, Harf’s passion for wine runs deep. Inspired during the pandemic while spending time at her family’s property

In Memoriam: Barbara Parker ’64

March 8, 2021 by | Alumni Impact

It is with heavy heart and great admiration that the Chapman University Alumni Association announces the passing of one of its most faithful Panthers, Mrs. Barbara Parker, ’64.  Barbara and her husband Bill Parker, ’52, can definitely be described as the ultimate Chapman Sweethearts. The couple met while living in the dorms at Chapman. They

A 50th Anniversary Celebration for Chapman’s Black Student Union

September 12, 2017 by | Events

Over the past five decades, the Black Student Union has played an active role in the Chapman University community by enriching the campus and student experience through cultural, educational and social activities, empowering Black students through fundamental support and resources, and by fostering connections with other communities and groups on campus. In celebration of the

Fourth Annual Alumni Entertainment Industry Mixer: An explosive success! Chapman alumni from all disciplines joined forces for career support and lasting friendships

April 22, 2016 by | Career

It was easy to confuse the group of Panthers at the Fourth Annual Alumni Entertainment Industry (AEI) Mixer for one of film’s most electric crowd scenes of all-time. Think the sea of people standing before Moses in Cecil B. De Mille’s The Ten Commandments (1923) or the busy Manhattan streets in The Crowd ’s (1928) classic

A Million Thanks evolves with scholarships, granting wishes for U.S. troops, and a golf tournament at Camp Pendleton Shauna Fleming '11 takes the nonprofit organization she founded as a high school freshman to the next level

March 9, 2016 by Rick Weinberg | Career

After an astounding 7.5 million letters of appreciation to American troops and an unprecedented wave of media exposure since the inception of A Million Thanks in 2004, it was time for Shauna Fleming’s unique and powerful organization to evolve. So Fleming, a Chapman University alumna from the Class of 2011 who has received worldwide attention

Honoring alumni following in Schweitzer’s footsteps

February 2, 2016 by | Alumni Impact

The philosophy and legacy of Albert Schweitzer is an essential component of a Chapman University education. Often referred to as Chapman’s “guiding spirit”, Schweitzer was a theologian, philosopher, musicologist, organist, and physician. His philosophy of “Reverence for Life” argues that all life on Earth is unified and sacred, and that humans have a fundamental responsibility to care for each other and

Match me at 1861!

March 30, 2015 by Adam Coughran '04 (M.A. '10) | Alumni Guest Post

Fellow Panthers, We are fast on our way to graduation!  Every May, it amazes me just how quickly another year has gone by and how much further away from my Chapman experience I am.  As the years pass, I read the stories of the newest alumni who graduate and go on to do amazing things. From

Seeking Alumni Nominations for Schweitzer Awards

January 22, 2015 by | Alumni Impact

Since 1982, Chapman University has given the Schweitzer Award of Excellence to an individual or organization that exemplifies Albert Schweitzer’s ethics of reverence for life and his dedication to a life of service. The recipient of this lifetime achievement award is selected from Chapman’s outstanding community of alumni. Last year’s recipient was Karen Haren ’71, who

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