Meet Brian Tapay ’23! Brian is a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Management and a Creative and Cultural Industries minor. Brian is among our amazing Class of 2023! The Argyros Business School was very enticing due to not only its prestigious ranking but the success of its alumni as well. Being able to connect with alumni who work at companies like Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, and NBCUniversal has certainly been a priceless opportunity, and I plan on doing the same with future Argyros School students after I graduate

Learn more about Brian’s time at Chapman below!

Impactful Experiences

Brian wasn’t always an Argyros School student. The most impactful experience from Mr. Tapay’s time at Chapman was when he decided to shift my career goals from the STEM field to business. Making connections and networking with multiple mentors and peers who are currently at Chapman or are alumni has allowed him to thrive and gain new experiences at companies like HBO Max.

Since switching his major to Business Administration, it has been a goal of his to work in an environment where entertainment and business meet. He says “I like to think that I have accomplished these goals through internships and work experience at companies like HBO Max and being a Cast Member at Disneyland, and I hope to only move up from there after graduation.”

Involvement & Connection

During Brian’s junior year, he served as Vice President for our only Filipino organization on campus, Kapamilya. He also serves as a Resident Advisor for the 2022-2023 school year. Both these positions have taught Brian so much about being a leader and have helped him develop skills that are transferable to the “real world.”

Additionally, Brian has placed an emphasis on making connections with his professors! Considering professors are experts in their field and have tons of knowledge to share with students, going beyond the classroom, he believes in taking advantage of those resources while they are in front of you and beyond. He urges students not to be intimidated and “to set up a lunch day with them just to discuss your career goals, personal life, etc. They are there to not only teach you but to be a lifelong resource!”

Favorite Classes & Professors

Brian’s favorite class during his time in the Argyros School was MGMT 316 with Professor Christopher Pagel. It is this class that inspired Mr. Tapay to choose a management emphasis and taught him how to be a solid leader for all groups of people.  “Professor Pagel has definitely made an impact on my Chapman experience. In my eyes, I see him as a mentor figure, and has constantly given me advice. Without him, there is no way I am able to accomplish the things that I have done here during my time at Chapman,” says Brian.

If Bryan could give any advice to those who are not yet at the end of their time at Chapman, it would be to “Just enjoy what is happening in real-time and don’t stress too much over the future. Four years may seem like a long time but trust me, it goes by QUICK. Always cherish those late-night study sessions, hanging out in the piazza or in AF, or those spontaneous adventures with your friends at 1 in the morning because it will all be over in a blink of an eye.”

Congratulations, Brian! We are so proud of you and excited to see where the future takes you!