Meet Pamela Coelho, a part of the Argyros School’s Class of 2023! Pamela is graduating with her degree in Business Administration (Marketing emphasis) and a double-minor in Advertising and CCI.

Pamela came in to Chapman with the goal of being as open-minded and involved as possible. She was very involved in high school, playing three sports and participating in two clubs, so she wanted to continue the momentum going into college. She also wanted to ensure she felt prepared for the “real world” and for her career post-grad. Even at such a young age, she wanted to be a part of a program, such as those in the Argyros School, that would equip her with the necessary skills needed for the professional world post-grad.

Campus Involvement

Pamela has been an active member of her sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, since her sophomore year in 2021. During 2022, she served as the Vice President of Organization (VPO) where her responsibilities included overseeing scheduling, leadership transitions and development, as well as maintaining regular communication with the chapter via text message, email, and Facebook on a weekly basis.

Kappa has been a major part of Pamela’s Chapman experience. In fact, one of her favorite memories was joining Greek life back in 2021. She says “Becoming a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma has n to only given me lifelong friendships, but also opportunities to give back to the Chapman community and surrounding areas through philanthropy events…Being a part of the Greek community has not only allowed me to create a positive change in my community but also helped me develop strong bonds with my classmates who are also part of the community.”

Pamela is also a member of the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team at Chapman, and has served as Strategy Specialist. She says that “Being a part of this team has allowed me to expand my skill set and work collaboratively with other talented students to create effective advertising strategies for our client, Indeed.” Out of the 120+ teams that completed the first round of the competition, Pamela and the Chapman NSAC team were one of eight teams to move on to the final round at the national level of the AAF Advertising Competition in Missouri in early June 2023!

Internship Experience(s)

Pamela says that she was fortunate to intern at The Brand Agency during the Fall of 2022 as a Communications and PR Intern. She also interned for THE SHARPE ALLIANCE as a Marketing Intern during the Spring of 2023.

Through both of these experiences, Pamela says she “was able to solidify the marketing skills I learned in my classes, and also gained exposure to other interconnected areas of the industry, such as corporate communications, public relations, partnerships & sponsorships, and more.”

Favorite Classes & Professors

A class that Pamela thoroughly enjoyed was her Business Capstone course taught by Dr. Veselina Vracheva. She says that the “semester-long simulation projects that we worked on as a class gave me the opportunity to apply all the knowledge I gained in my major to a real-world project. Moreover, Ves’s amicable teaching style and approachability made my learning experience for my final business class more enjoyable, and I felt like I had developed a strong connection with her, which enhanced my overall experience in the class.”


After graduation, Pamela plans to travel throughout Europe, and when she returns back to the States, begin seeking out entry-level marketing and advertising positions in either Boston, New York, or LA.

Congratulations, Pamela. We couldn’t be more excited for you as you embark on your post-grad journey!