Marcelo De La Maza, a dual major in Public Relations and Advertising and Business Administration, is set to graduate from Chapman University in Fall 2024. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, Marcelo’s journey at Chapman began a bit later than planned, but he made every moment count. Starting in Spring 2021, he stepped onto a quiet campus and focused on meeting people and fully engaging in his classes. However, it was in Fall 2021 that his Chapman journey truly took off.

“I declared my second major in Business, formed meaningful friendships and shared an apartment with my older brother, who was a senior at the time,” he recalls. This period marked a time of significant growth and discovery, leading to a semester abroad at City University in London, where he traveled across Europe and formed connections with people from around the world.

Building a Legacy on Campus

Marcelo’s campus involvement has been nothing short of impactful. As a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, he held various executive leadership roles, including Scholarship Chair and Warden. His passion for entrepreneurship led him to found the CEO Club, where he organized over a dozen events and fostered a community of innovative, like-minded students.

Marcelo reflects on this achievement with pride: “Founding and leading the CEO Club allowed me to create a space where students could collaborate and support each other in their entrepreneurial endeavors. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my college career.”

Discovering a Passion for Business and Entrepreneurship

Initially, Marcelo enrolled at Dodge College with a keen interest in business. However, it was his brother who introduced him to the Argyros College of Business and Economics (ACBE), sparking a newfound passion. “After visiting the ACBE building and experiencing the lively atmosphere and financial center, I knew it was where I wanted to be,” Marcelo shares.

The Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship has had the most significant impact on Marcelo’s academic experience. He attended numerous events, participated in the incubator program, and learned the essentials of starting a business. Marcelo also highlights the value of practical learning: “Applying what I learned in class and utilizing the school’s resources have been crucial to my growth,” he says.

Additionally, Marcelo participated in the SURF program at Chapman, conducting research related to musical statistics. “This school-funded project introduced me to academic research,” he explains, “and it was an incredible opportunity to explore my interests in music and data.”

Navigating Internships and Professional Growth

Marcelo’s professional journey has been marked by diverse internships and job experiences, including roles at Create Music Group as an A&R Admin Intern, WMcCan in Business Management, Workflow Arts as a Management & Production Assistant, and the Nescau Marketing Team at Nestlé. He also engaged in the SURF research program at Chapman University, further broadening his professional horizons.

When asked for advice for students seeking internships or job opportunities, Marcelo is quick to emphasize the importance of networking and personal growth: “Start early and network with everyone. Find a mentor, make older friends, and always be a good listener. Employers want to see passion and a go-getter attitude,” he advises.

Balancing Academics, Extracurriculars, and Future Aspirations

Balancing his academic responsibilities as a double major, alongside his extracurricular activities, has not been easy. Marcelo often took on a heavy course load, managing up to 18 credits per semester. “Time management was crucial,” he admits, “I sometimes missed out on fun, and there were moments when coursework was overwhelming, but I learned to manage my time effectively and make the most of my college experience.”

Looking ahead, Marcelo is determined to enter the music industry, with the long-term goal of starting his own record label. “I want to help artists launch their projects from start to finish, including art, merchandise, music, videos, and live performances,” he states.

A Favorite Memory and a Bright Future

Among his many memories at Chapman, Marcelo fondly recalls performing with his band during a philanthropy event, raising over $500 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. “Despite a hectic week, I managed to do what I love while contributing to a meaningful cause,” he reflects.

Marcelo De La Maza’s time at Chapman University has been defined by a relentless pursuit of growth, a passion for business and music, and a commitment to leaving a legacy for future students. As he prepares to graduate, he leaves behind a rich tapestry of experiences and accomplishments, ready to make his mark on the music industry.

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