Alex Hayden ‘95 is a graduate of the George L. Argyros School and Business and Economics, he has been an active member of the Argyros Board of Counselors since 2009 and is currently serving as Chair; he is also a member of the President’s Circle and Chapman 50. On Friday, October 12, Alex will be honored as the 2018 Argyros School of Business and Economics Distinguished Alumni in recognition of his significant contributions to businesses, organizations and our community. Join us as we celebrate Alex and the other incredible Distinguished Alumni on October 12, learn more and purchase tickets here.

In 2009, Alex was hesitant to join the Board of Counselors, and thought of it as just another networking commitment. However, his attitude changed when he realized, “What is so great is my relationship with Chapman is similar, in ways to my relationship with my bride. I’m fully committed to Chapman not because I needed to be, but because it became my family and fell in love with it after just wanting to be around it but not having an agenda.” Since joining the Board, Alex has come to appreciate the camaraderie and relationships that he has formed over the years. He enjoys the opportunity to be surrounded by a group of individuals who tirelessly donate their time, finances and efforts to help current students be successful by providing mentorship, internship or networking opportunities.

Alex is passionate about giving back to his school. He feels blessed and believes Chapman has a lot to do with his success in life by setting him on the right career path. The school opened up doors of opportunity for him. His Chapman degree made him more desirable to employers.

Alex has very fond memories of his time as a business school student at Chapman University. One of his most challenging professors was Dr. Don Booth. And like most students, he originally didn’t see the direct value correlation to Dr. Booth’s teaching methods, yet Alex has grown in both experience and years, and his appreciation and love for Dr. Booth’s teachings have grown as well.

Alex Hayden is an Executive Vice President at CBRE in Newport Beach, and likes to spend his free time with his family skiing.

Q & A with Alex

If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be?

Probably Frank Sinatra.

If you were in a Rock N’ Roll band, what would your job be?

I am a terrible singer. I’m not good at all. I would say the promoter.

What is your favorite show to watch?

I love watching the crazy people that show up on My Strange Addiction and Baggage.  I also love Family Feud.

If you could be any superhero or villain for the day, who would it be?

Is that even a question? Superman!!! He has the right superpowers!

What was your favorite TV show growing up?

Brady Bunch and Little House on the Prairie. I grew up in the deep country, so I can relate to Little House on the Prairie.

What is your favorite movie?

Back to the Future. I am an 80’s guy!

What bill do you most dislike paying?

Taxes!!! I don’t like to pay toll road fees either. And the capital call for that bad investment, really hurts!

What was your first car?

A brown ’79 Volkswagen pop-top camper van with bad breaks.

What is your favorite Disney Movie? What is your favorite song from a Disney Movie?

I really like The Little Mermaid. She’s resourceful and enjoys the simple things in life. My favorite song is “Under the Sea”, it puts me in a good mood and sticks in your head-in a good way.