Name: Kyle Taylor

Degree: B.S. Business Administration, Minor in Economics

Position: Marketing Intern

Company: A-Tech Consulting, Inc.

My name is Kyle Taylor. I am currently a senior at Chapman University graduating in May 2023 with a Business Administration Major and a minor in Economics. I was fortunate enough this spring semester of 2023 to get hired as a marketing intern at A-Tech Consulting, Inc. A-Tech Consulting is an Environmental Health and Safety Consulting company that works with clients in all industries to create environmental solutions.

What made you excited about this company/role?

I was most excited to work with a professional marketing team and gain real-world experience within a company. It is one thing to learn about the business environment in class but working with a professional marketing team and attaining soft skills within the workplace is critical.

How did you strategize landing this internship?

One of the most critical parts of landing a job/internship is one’s interview skills. I was constantly researching interview advice, videos, and common questions/answers online. Likewise, I asked many of my friends/colleagues who had internships in the past for guidance/tips. Lastly, I used Chapman’s professional help within the Career Advancement Center to make sure my resume and cover letter were up to standards.

What career advice for anyone looking for an internship/job in this market (based on what you did)?

The best advice I can give is to network. I know every student has heard this a million times but it’s true. I landed my internship because I had a friend I met at school who previously worked at the company. They were able to refer me to the marketing department. Communication is key and was ultimately my saving grace by asking my friend if the company was hiring for spring interns. Making connections with people can open up opportunities in the future that often hide from people who lack a strong network.