Nicholas Beas headshot

Nicholas Beas, Executive MBA Candidate at the Argyros School of Business and Economics

This blog regularly profiles students at the Argyros School of Business and Economics. This week, we talk to Nicholas Beas, who is enrolled in Chapman’s Executive MBA “EMBA” program.



A: Nicholas Beas

Graduating Year:

A: 2013

Program here at the Argyros School of Business and Economics (ASBE):

Executive MBA “EMBA”


A: Long Beach, CA

Emphasis at ASBE:

A: Right now my emphasis is graduation. In actuality, I don’t have an emphasis; however I have been increasingly involved in various entrepreneurial ventures and the Chapman eVillage.

Undergraduate Degree:

A: Political Science

Undergraduate Institution:

A: I began at UCSD in 1996, but transferred to California State University, Fullerton in 1999 after a 3 month backpacking journey across Western and Central Europe.

Undergraduate Graduation Year:

A: 2001

Work Experience (Years and Description):

A: Currently employed as a Senior Accountant at Marriott International, Inc. in Irvine, CA and has worked in the Hospitality industry since 2009. Before that, worked as a Senior Associate, at SWR Resource Network, an executive research and recruiting firm.

Are you involved in any Chapman Activities/ Organizations (i.e., MBA Association)? If so, please describe your involvement? 

A: I was the EMBA Ambassador to the MBA Student Association for the 2012 academic year. As a group our association board put together student events such as the “MBA at Sea” Newport Harbor dinner cruise, which was the first of what we hoped could be an annual MBA event moving forward. Presently, I am the team leader for my eVillage Incubator Start-up team and I am attempting to encourage fellow EMBA’s to take advantage of present and future opportunities the eVillage has to offer.

What do you do for fun? What are Your Hobbies (On Campus, Off Campus):

A: I love being outside; whether it’s playing soccer or softball or just taking a walk on the beach with my wife. That being said I hate being cold, so if the weather is not conducive to outdoor activities I enjoy watching movies and reading the newspaper where it’s warm. Although time has not permitted for much of it lately, I enjoy traveling to experience new people and places. Whether traveling locally or anywhere abroad it’s always interesting to experience new places and observe and meet new people.

With regards to hobbies, I truly enjoy playing PS3 with my wife. Our favorite games include anything having to do with Lord of the Rings and the Resident Evil Franchise.

Why did you choose the Argyros School of Business and Economics (ASBE)?

A: One of the most important reasons I chose the Argyros School of Business and Economics was the small class size and personalized feel of the University as a whole. I finished my undergrad 10 years before beginning my Masters and I felt that a more personalized approach to my Masters education was going to be a crucial component in extracting the most educational value out of the program. The international residential to China and Vietnam being integrated into the EMBA program was also a factor in my decision. It’s one thing to learn about the theory and application of international business strategies in a classroom setting, but to actually speak and interact with various business leaders in their respective countries is something entirely different. I’m certain, the perspective gained from that trip will prove invaluable for years to come.

Favorite business course so far and why?

A: Dr. Abibi’s econ class was a great way to begin the program, but I have a feeling my upcoming Strategy course with Dr. Turk will also be a favorite. It’ll be an opportunity to put together all of the individual pieces of knowledge I’ve acquired to date and truly test the theories and concepts in a more comprehensive manner. I suppose there is something to be said for the one of the first memories and one of the soon to be last memories of my Chapman EMBA experience.

What are your favorite parts of the EMBA experience so far and why?

A: Without a doubt the friends I’ve made throughout the program have been my favorite part of the MBA experience thus far. I’ve certainly enjoyed the intellectual challenges from an academic standpoint, but I’ve certainly been fortunate to meet some people that will be friends and colleagues of mine for years to come. The very first week of the program in Del Mar and the recent international residential in China and Vietnam were also significant program highlights for me. Although it has yet to happen, but based on previous experience, it’s probably safe to say that the final residential of the EMBA program in Washington D.C. will also be on the list of memorable ASBE EMBA highlights.

Please discuss an activity you’ve been involved in during your time as an EMBA (does not have to be EMBA related). Why is it important to you?

A: I was recently asked to co-lead the Event Support Team of the young professional committee of Human Rights Watch Los Angeles. HRW is an international non-profit dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.  As part of the Event Support Team, I interact with the HRW staff and donors to execute fundraising and outreach events for the organization. Events are typically held in and around the LA area and event attendance ranges anywhere from 50 to 800 people. My wife’s been involved with the organization for the past seven years, so I’ve had a lot of exposure and developed a personal connection to the type of work Human Rights Watch does for quite a while. I believe in the type of work being done by the organization locally and around the world and I’ve been incredibly fortunate to interact with some truly amazing individuals who have dedicated their lives to defending the rights of others.

What are your career goals?

A: From a career standpoint, I intend to get back into an operational role, which is where the bulk of my experience has been. I’m looking forward to a new challenge, in a new industry where I can apply the skills and experience I have acquired in the world of hospitality (hotel and restaurant management in particular). Ultimately I would prefer to pursue some of my own intellectual curiosities and manage my own successful start-up. In an ideal world I would continue to repeat the process as new ideas and entrepreneurial endeavors present themselves. There are a few opportunities on both of those horizons at the moment, so it’s hard to say exactly where either path will lead at this point in time. The goal, I suppose, is to learn from any career situation and to recognize how and when to apply those lessons moving forward (personally and professionally).

What are your plans after ASBE?

A: After taking a weekend long nap, my immediate plans are to reconnect with family and friends who out of necessity may have been a bit neglected with the limited amount of time I have spent with all of them the past 18 months or so. I also plan to focus on the various entrepreneurial ventures I’ve undertaken and I’d like to write a short story or two for my young nieces and nephews. A relaxing little getaway with my wife, Caitlin, is also high on the priority list.

Favorite OC Restaurants:

A: Although I work and attend classes in OC, I live in Long Beach. My favorite restaurant in the Circle is Gabbi’s, although my particular class tends to migrate to Haven on Saturday afternoons to revisit the lessons taught in class earlier in the day.

Favorite OC Spots:

A: There are plenty of cool spots in OC. A summer time Angels game is always good fun. I also like the San Juan Capistrano Mission, walking down Main Street in Seal Beach, sitting on the sand near the Huntington Beach pier and the Anaheim Brewery.