"Underwater Recession" By Joy A. Buchanan, Steven Gjerstad, & Vernon L. Smith
The article “Underwater Recession” authored by Economic Science Institute’s Professors Steven Gjerstad, Vernon L. Smith and, Graduate of the Economic Systems Design program, Joy Buchanan will be published in The American Interest: Policy, Politics & Culture’s May/June 2012 issue. “The U.S. economy is stuck in a painfully slow recovery. Neither accommodative monetary policy nor fiscal
Chapman University full-time MBA program is in top 100 in nation
Chapman University’s full-time MBA program is ranked in the top 100 in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2012 ranking of full-time MBA programs. Appearing as number 97 overall, this is the first time Chapman’s full-time MBA program is ranked in the top 100. “Being ranked in the top 100 for the
Chapman's Student Managed Investment Fund Outperforms S&P Benchmark
For the second consecutive year, Chapman University’s Student Managed Investment Fund has outperformed its benchmark. Established in November 2009 with $1 million and a charter to invest in a portfolio benchmarked to the S&P 500, the fund earned 2.62% in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011 compared to a 1.14% return on the S&P
Doug Tuggle Has Been Named Editor of The International Journal of Critical Studies in Organizational Learning.
Francis D. (Doug) Tuggle, Ph.D., professor in Chapman’s Argyros School of Business and Economics, has been named editor of the prestigious international and interdisciplinary scholarly journal: The Learning Organization: The International Journal of Critical Studies in Organizational Learning. “The journal is about knowledge,” explains Dr Tuggle. “The theme of the journal is: to what extent
IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents Max Krasnow, Ph.D.
Mar. 23rd, Max Krasnow, Ph.D. – Evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters Abstract: Are humans too generous? The discovery that subjects choose to incur costs to allocate benefits to others in anonymous, one-shot economic games has posed an unsolved challenge to models of economic and
Dr. Bart Wilson Awarded 2012 Oliver E. Williamson Prize for Best Article in the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Congratulations Dr. Bart Wilson of the Economic Science Institute! The 2012 Oliver E. Williamson Prize for Best Article in the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization was awarded to Bart J. Wilson, Taylor Jaworski, Karl E. Schurter, and Andrew Smyth for their article entitled, “The Ecological and Civil Mainsprings of Property: An Experimental Economic History
"ObamaCare's Flawed Economic Foundations" By Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Vernon L. Smith
“ObamaCare will be argued next week in the Supreme Court. While the justices will consider the intricacies of constitutional law, at their heart the arguments in favor of the legislation have to do with the economics of health care.” Read the full article on The Wall Street Journal Online, Opinion section.
IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents Alex Brown, Ph.D.
Mar. 16th, Alex Brown, Ph.D. – Experimental Analysis of Envy-Free Auction Dr. Alex Brown, a guest of the IFREE/ESI Lecture SeriesAbstract: Economic concerns for equity have motivated game theorists to study envy-free mechanisms. Though not incentive compatible, these mechanisms implement in Nash equilibria efficient allocations at which no agent prefers the consumption of
IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents Keith Murnighan, Ph.D.
Mar. 9th, Keith Murnighan, Ph.D. – On Greed – Watch Lecture Dr. Keith Murnighan, a guest of the IFREE/ESI Lecture SeriesAbstract: Greed is a central element in human existence. It is also frequently mentioned as a factor in many recent organizational and financial scandals. Thus, it was surprising to discover that empirical research on greed
Dr. Vernon Smith Interviewed by SoCal Insider
Dr. Vernon L. Smith of the Economic Science Institute was interview by Rick Reiff with the SoCal Insider on China, experimental economics, and the housing crisis and outlook. You can download the episode here!
IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents: Jeff Smith, Ph.D. - "Remarks on Field Experiments in Labor Economics and the Economics of Education"
Mar. 2nd, Jeff Smith, Ph.D. – Remarks on Field Experiments in Labor Economics and the Economics of Education – Watch lecture Abstract: The talk will consider issues in field experiments in labor economics and the economics of education in the developed world. These issues include threats to internal and external validity, using experimental data to
IFREE/ESI Lecture Series Presents: John Tooby, Ph.D. - "The Welfare Tradeoff Architecture, Cooperation, and Social Emotions"
Feb. 24th, John Tooby, Ph.D. – The Welfare Tradeoff Architecture, Cooperation, and Social Emotions – For further reading please see: Formidability and the logic of human anger and The architecture of human kin detection. – Watch lecture Abstract: Individuals in social species continually face choices among alternatives that have different impacts on the welfares of