2 posts tagged

Class of ’13


Alumni Spotlight: Austin Huffman ’13 "I think the more well-rounded someone can be in school, the better. Chapman is a great place to do this."

February 29, 2024 by | Alumni

Chapman University serves as the foundation for many success stories, and Austin Huffman, a 2013 graduate with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Psychology, is a shining example. His time at Chapman was more than an academic pursuit; it was an incredible journey that shaped not just his career but also his

Alumni Spotlight: Nathan Worden ’13, MLD ’15, MBA ’18 "Finding the intersection between disciplines that interest you gives you a unique value in the marketplace."

February 16, 2024 by | Alumni

Chapman University has long been a hub for diverse talents and interests, and Nathan Worden‘s journey through the institution exemplifies the university’s ethos of exploration and interdisciplinary learning. Nathan graduated in 2013 with a BFA in Film Production but found himself drawn back to the vibrant Chapman community, leading him to pursue not one, but

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