StandOut 101 How to StandOut during HireVue pre-recorded interviews!
October 7, 2021
Almost exactly a year ago, I attempted to get an internship with a company that I wanted to work for SO BAD. I put in all the work to get this internship. I conducted research on them, held informational interviews with current employees, and even got a letter of recommendation sent to the recruiter by my wonderful colleague. After a long two and a half weeks, I received an email letting me know that I had gotten an interview!
I finally felt like all the effort that I had put into this process was worth it, but this is where it all started to go wrong. I thought that the effort had to stop here. I thought once I got the interview, I was in, right? I had all this research under my belt so I couldn’t be more prepared. Well, I was wrong.
Turns out that this company was using an online interview platform to conduct interviews, HireVue, and there were only 48 hours for me to prepare answers and submit the interview. Also, there was a plot twist – I wasn’t going to be meeting with an individual. Instead, I would be given about 7 questions and would have to answer each one via recorded video with only 3 minutes per question. This process was estimated to take about 25 minutes.
For me, the process took about 2 very long hours. This was not because of the company or the questions asked. It was simply because I did not prepare well enough. I lacked the most preparation when it came to the platform being used. This introduction of the online platform for interviews was new for me, and I regret that my first time using something like this was with a company that I was so eager to work for.
With the pandemic, many companies saw an influx of students and applications and they had turned to these online platforms to help them with the hiring process, and I know many students out there like me who may not be prepared. Because of my experience, I aim to go out of my way to educate my peers on the rising platforms, such as HireVue, that are now commonly being used for interviews.
All About HireVue
Did you recently receive an email saying that you have to complete a HireVue Interview?
First of all, congratulations – getting a HireVue interview is a huge accomplishment already. It means that your resume matches the job description of the job that you applied for. Know that you are qualified for the job and that they would like to get to know you more. Here are some tips that will help you with your first HireVue interview.
How to Prepare
Like any other interview, you have to come up with responses to possible questions that the interviewer might ask, such as “Tell me about yourself,” “Why do you want to work for our company,” and “What can you bring to the table?” A tip would be to open an empty document and write possible questions down. On the document, start writing what your ideal answers would be. It could be in bullet points or paragraph format.
Once you have prepared for the HireVue interview, it’s time to practice. Each company has a different format for the HireVue interview process, which is why you need to practice! In the email that the company sent you, there should be a section that says, “when you want to begin, CLICK HERE.”
Once you click on the link, there should be a short overview of the company’s background. Afterward, HireVue will show you a tutorial on how to use their platform. Then, they will ask if you would like to practice. Undoubtedly say yes so you can get a feel of how to use the platform. This will calm your nerves and make you feel more confident about the interview.
The Process
Each company has a different format for how they would like to conduct the HireVue interviews. Sometimes, they will let you re-record your answers once after each question, or they will ask if you want to re-record ALL your answers. The process will be explained during the tutorial, so pay attention and rewatch the tutorial if you have to.
Tips and Tricks
One of the tricks that I have learned is having a pen and paper next to you. This way, when they give you a certain amount of time to prepare for the question, you will know what to say when responding. Also, if you mess up the first time, don’t forget! You can usually re-record your response one more time. However, it should be much easier the second time since you have your notes from the first time you recorded, and now, you should easily be able to answer the interview questions!
All About StandOut
One way to get familiar with such programs like HireVue is by utilizing the platform StandOut. Provided by Chapman University, StandOut is an online video recruitment platform that many employers use to hire future employees, but that you can also use as a student to practice and better prepare for virtual interviews!
Using StandOut can help with non-virtual interview skills as well. Many of us may have never been in an interview before or are wondering what we are like in an interview and using StandOut can help us better understand where our strengths and weaknesses are during an interview.
How to get started with StandOut:
- Login to StandOut using your Chapman credentials
- Upload your resume to help mentors understand you better before your interview
- Click “Practice” on the main menu
- Search your college’s name (ex: “Crean”, “Dodge”, “CoPA”) or simply scroll through the interview options to find what you’re looking for
- Conduct/record your interview (or interviews! There is no limit on how many you take to practice)
- Review your interview and send it to others for feedback!
Fun Fact: StandOut just added over 1700 new interview questions. Take some time to familiarize yourself with their database of questions so you never into an interview question that stumps you!
Your College Career Advisor can provide feedback on your recorded interview, and you can also send it to any mentors, professors, friends, and family you’d like to see for additional feedback!
*Note: In order to receive feedback you MUST choose to share it with an advisor or educator
How to Get Real-Life Experience
If you would like to further practice your interviewing skills, our semiannual Mock Interviews are returning this Fall semester via Handshake to help you with your overall interview skills as well as your virtual interview skills! Sign up for 20-minute interviews for each major of focus:
(Virtual!) Mock Interviews: STEM + Healthcare, Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 10 AM – 4 PM PST
(Virtual!) Mock Interviews: Arts & Entertainment, Thursday, October 21, 2021, 10 AM – 4 PM PST
For more information on virtual interviews and how to better prepare for them, read our blog A Panther’s Guide to Nailing Virtual Interviews!