82 posts categorized in

Career Tips


Avery’s Summer Internship with Emerson Collective Her experience in her internship last summer and personal takeaways

February 21, 2025 by | Networking

This past summer I interned with Emerson Collective as an Events Team intern in their Palo Alto location. Emerson Collective is a company that invests in entrepreneurs and innovators driven by purpose and a sense of possibility, working to create a world of abundance for future generations. The application and interview process were very straightforward.

First Time at the Career Fair? Here’s What to Expect

February 21, 2025 by Charlot Born | For Students

When I first heard about the career fair, my initial reaction was “why should I go if I’m only a freshman? I’m not looking for a full-time job yet”.  I didn’t know what to expect. The whole experience seemed daunting. It was incredibly scary to imagine myself talking to potential employers. Plus, I had no

How to Request a Career Presentation Q and A Style

September 26, 2024 by | For Students

Career presentations are an awesome way for our career office to go out into the field to provide career resources. We want to spread the word about resumes, cover letters, job searching tips etc. so badly that we can also conduct these presentations for you after work hours! Hopefully the Q and A section below

A Career Fair Success Story: Ann Ngo

May 3, 2024 by | For Students

When a Chapman student or alumni job seeker thinks about the Career Fair, they may feel nervous, unsure, or afraid of all the tables or the employers standing behind them. As a graduating senior, I experienced some of those feelings when I ventured through Attallah Piazza and the Bert Williams Mall for the Spring 2024

Career Peer Advisor Appointments are Back Oh I gotta go get that!

February 16, 2024 by Carson LeSage | Career Tips

As Career Peer Advisors we love to connect with you, our fellow classmates and help you along your career journey. Don’t believe me, take a lil peek at this snippet of our VISION STATEMENT: “Empower Panthers to navigate a meaningful and productive transition from the classroom to their career journeys and beyond” Sniffle…sniffle…sniffle.  Crying noise…

The Snowball Effect in Chapman? The School in SoCal?

February 6, 2024 by Carson LeSage | For Students

Hello everyone!!! Long time no see huh. How are we dooooing? How is life going for you right now? Are you getting used to this weather yet? ARE YOU READY FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER?  Welcome back everybody from your hopefully lovely and relaxing holiday break. I also want to give a special welcome to the

Using Your Vacation Break from School to Your Advantage (Career Edition) Use break for the perfect opportunity to get ahead on your career goals and exploration journey!

August 1, 2023 by | Career Tips

A break from school — a time for relaxation and the sleep you missed during Fall and Spring semester. For most, the ideal break involves lying by the pool, fireplace, or beach. While it’s good to relax and rejuvenate, it’s also the perfect opportunity to get ahead on your career goals and exploration journey. Chapman

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